Dangit, I am going to get to this one if I have to crawl there! Actually, I'll just corner one of my buddies now, instead of waiting till the last second and not having a vehicle to borrow. Or perhaps Low-Gain could give me a lift... (PM me!)


(55 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)

low-gain wrote:

gp2x, and psp sound like the best options.. why bother with anything else?
for real. every time a new handheld comes out it just distracts people from figuring out bugs on the current versions.
and working towards new ideas on existing versions.

Yeah, which is why, being dirt poor, I continue to work on the Apple IIgs despite the general lack of interest and my general lack of skill. And although there is no MIDI in NTGS, I do have MIDI working properly in a couple of other programs which is kinda fun to play around with. BUT, if you want to play with the Didj, why don't you get one to play about with and send one to the LGPT team for free? If it's Linux, you can probably mess about with it enough to compile some stuff. It would require learning and dedication, but could pay off if you really want to work on it.

Well, looks like I'm gonna have to burn my own... oh darn. smile

One of the best cartridge albums ever, I'm just gonna say. I got to have alot of fun bending with Low-Gain's copy on his bent NES, it's a blast to have something so awesome sounding and so cool-looking to bend with.

Well, I'm just going to say that the price is right when you factor in custom PCB, custom CIC chip, custom EPROMs, custom case, not NOS but brand spanking new, with box, manual, etc. Seems pretty good to me.


Excellent! It's nice to see concerted homebrew gaming efforts, and this is pretty slick for a one-man production. I was following this on the NESDEV forums for a while, totally cool to see he got it all wrapped up and distributed.

Yeah, a little messy I admit. Bad time for my laptop to kick the bucket. I just got things (kinda) back to normal today after finding a new hard drive. When I have dealt with other "Real Life" issues concerning my computer failure I'll get around to re-doing my challenge, unless someone else wants to give it a whack. Sorry guys.

Whoah... Linux. Too bad about the lack of JACK... that's a major bummer. Especially since I just took an eon or two to get JACK running properly on my Linux box, I'm not going back. smile

What is the crazy crunching sound in the background? A bad fan? Washing machine? Pretty cool stuff though.

Arg, no Linux drivers!

Maybe you could open the beta? Please?


(35 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Don't hate yourself, you aren't some kind of economic-disaster-mastermind causing a worldwide recession and thusly having to sell your own gear. smile Clearly, this is a time for hating "the man" if nothing else. If you wanted some suggestions for possible scapegoats you could PM me! Anyways, that was off topic...

I do have one on-topic question: Will there be a... umm, "value" sample set at all? $160 is very, very steep indeed. I know I'll probably get stoned for asking this, so please don't kill me everyone.


(91 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I got a lil' plush case from an old Minolta camera which fits my beloved GBP perfectly, like a glove, with a little front pocket for some spare batteries. But... my other gear usually goes into cardboard boxes, especially those really heavy duty ones from Cub Foods. I can pack every last bit of Apple IIgs gear I have into one of those crates, and the other one for other misc. techy toys. I have a large box from concession stand nacho chips (classy!) that holds my Neo Geo MVS and a slew of shoeboxes, mostly from Nunn Bush and Sketchers which hold everything else. It's easy enough to move my gear when I actually need to, which is not so often. Mostly just those times when Low-Gain and Co. want to borrow some IIgs gear or when I go to a gamers night and bring the Neo.


(35 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I don't see how any self-respecting artist with $160 sitting around (which is very few in these days!) couldn't pick this up. It's so hauntingly stunning, especially in it's lower registers and with the slight amount of detune that was present in your earlier recordings.

OH, I know what I want to do now. The time when I almost lit the sacristy cabinets on fire while altar serving at my church. Hilarious. smile Little incense mishap, hehe.


(32 replies, posted in General Discussion)

That all depends... "natural casing" or not? Because there is alot more "sausage stuffin" material in a pig than will fit into it's "natural casing."