I'll need to check my schedule. Probably not a problem for this weekend, but I need to make absolutely sure first.


(18 replies, posted in Releases)

This officially rocks. In fact, I haven't heard much from you that isn't really cool sounding.

Love the FM sounds, I got hooked on FM from listening to Tangerine Dream and OxygenStar's Sassy Wisdom. Don't got an OPL3, don't plan on every writing music for one, but I'll sure listen to it!

Hey, let us know when you have that gigantic batch of information posted up on your site Low-Gain. *nudge*

Wow. That NGPC is most excellent looking. Is it the slimline edition, or standard NGPC? I have been meaning to backlight mine at some point, and have been searching in vain for a link cable so I can challenge someone to some Dark Arms deathmatch or Last Blade, since I have a second NGPC as well.

Build your own...


(50 replies, posted in Releases)

I listened to it... and I'm gonna break the trend here and say I didn't really enjoy it that much. It didn't seem very musical to me. Maybe my tastes aren't developed enough to really hear it. Anyways, it was a noble effort, and the artwork is pretty nifty. Good work, and keep at it Little Scale! smile

Umm, I don't think NTGS has midi, actually. The whole concept of Midi sync isn't that old anyways, since usually Midi was used for transmitting note and instrument data and not sync data.

Here's the thing- the Esoniq is a wavetable synthesizer. Meaning, you really do have to feed it samples. However, the Esoniq is a true wavetable synthesizer in that it is constantly modifying and modulating the samples as they play. If you made a sinewave sample you could then use it and manipulate it just as if you were using a non-sample synth.

(And, not to get snippy on you akira^8GB, but a synth simply means that it's producing the sounds. I find it ironic that you don't like samples but still want to see the synthesis capabilities of the Esoniq.)


(7 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Speaking of hoarding... got one you need me to work on Low-Gain?

No problem, I don't mind. tongue I'm no pixeling nazi or anything.

Yeah, that place is amazing. Be sure and check out... WOLFENSTEIN 3D! On an apple IIgs! Oh, and I have found the other, newer versions of NTGS which will be hosted by Low-Gain on his website. smile

That yellow case cleaned up really nice. Glad you're making good use of it.

Unfortunately, Fantavision format files are incompatible with everything except Fantavision, so if I was to do work with it, it'd have to be recorded in a traditional fashion or emulated. Now what would be AMAZING would be to set the monitor into monochrome white mode, do everything in white, record with actual film and then do 70's style gels overlay for that classic old-school CGI look. Which is actually what they would do.

Brainwave- you could do APPLE II MUSIC VIDEOS WITH THAT! WHAT! WAAAAAAAAA! *goes completely nuts*

It's a heck of a lot cheaper than KansasFest!

EDIT: and you don't have to stay on site, you can hang out at a cheaper hotel and just show up for the conference.

EDIT2: or in my case, split a room with some other guys so it's cheaper. smile

EDIT3: bring arcade machines to the show = get extra goodies and pass to an afterparty. (HINT)

Perhaps! Some of my seminary buddies are going to come, so of my friends it'd be me and probably 3 other guys, but there's no reason we couldn't do more.