This should work with an Everdrive GG cart too since it supports SMS games, right?


(33 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Nanoloop 1.5 sold!


(7 replies, posted in Trading Post)

While we're at it, this is the nicest try-wing I've ever used. Costs more than some gameboys, but if you do a lot of modding, it's nice. … B00361ERDG


(1,485 replies, posted in Trading Post)

every time I think I'm done modding gameboys...

This might be the best thing right now. Like, the best.

ant1 wrote:

rah rah i deserve to be paid to do my hobby that i would do anyway

I love you, ant1, but not all of us consider this purely a hobby.


(61 replies, posted in General Discussion)

So someone said some shit that's factually and demonstrably incorrect, and you want to know what we think?

Maybe I'll give that a shot, now that I live in a house with a dishwasher.

Yeah, I did try super glue once. smile

I may just not be getting all of the old adhesive off. Any tricks for that? I've taken to scraping it, hoping that the scratched then lightly sanded surface would help adhesion, maybe that doesn't make sense for a flat, double-sided tape.


(35 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

My LSDJ never crashes that pretty.

Anyone else have a problem with this? Kitch, Nonfinite and ASM all make and sell great replacement screen covers, but they never seem to quite fit right, and no matter how careful I am, they always pop up on one side or another! This has been driving me nuts for ages. Anybody have any tricks?

Things I've tried:

Adding rubber cement
Leaving it weighted overnight both before and after screen install, hoping the adhesive will set better
removing the thicker parts of the plastic in hopes that the backlight will sit lower
loosening screws

Seattle is getting pretty rad. Pink Gorilla is hosting regular shows, and trying to open a chip specific venue. Every time I'm up there, it seems lie there's more artists than last time!


(1,620 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Already putting your new DMG to good use, I see. smile

19 and a half, you mean? wink


(33 replies, posted in General Discussion)


(20 replies, posted in Trading Post)

and gold and silver

yellow is the least rare among the pokemon colors, btw, because a few other games (mostly donkey kong) used it.