(46 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

also: best name

I received my package, but he accidentally sent me two cartridges and no interface. I sent back the extra cartridge but am still waiting on the interface to arrive.

Why is "muddyGB" under "Trackers"? Should be under "Synths".


(19 replies, posted in General Discussion)

So are you a bro, or a hoe?

This lineup is so fucking ridiculously good.


(89 replies, posted in General Discussion)

it's a thing now, it seems


There are more than a few, and flute is one of them! Meerenai Shim is the fantastic flutist who is performing this piece. smile

She's also recording it later on in the year, and it'll be out on her next album!

Sortof last minute notice I realize...

Tomorrow night my comissioned piece for flute and gameboy running LSDJ is being premiered. Flight of the Bleeper Bird is a three movement piece that treats the flute not as a soloist, but as an extra voice to be included with the gameboy's usual foursome.
I'm also playing some droney partially chip stuff with console glitch visuals at this show.

The Red Poppy Art House
2698 Folsom St, San Francisco, 94110

Facebook event:


Now someone just needs to write music players for the genesis and NES with MIDI sync...

sammulligan wrote:

heating up a pen case...made of plastic, pushing the hot plastic onto the screw, taking it off and then letting it harden

Tried this in a pinch once. Sucks, barely works. This plan was devised by somone who intended to replace the screw with a phillips screw afterwards. Either way, it's still worth the tiny investment to get the right driver.


(129 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Aeros wrote:

all of you compose or listen to chiptunes as opposed to another genre of music?

I neither make nor listen to chipmusic exclusively. In fact, I think most of the chipmusic I hear is pretty awful.

I make it because I enjoy working with the hardware, I enjoy the creative avenues offered by the inherent limitations, and I enjoy the tonal qualities.

The chipmusic I listen to is music made by good musicians who happen to be working in the chip medium.


(798 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)


I'll keep an eye out.


(102 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Tenor and alto clef are super useful in my opinion, but they'd obviously be more useful if more people could read them. Tenor clef should be a standard part of early trombone education, imo. I assume soprano clef is equally useful, but I rarely encounter it.

for your reference, Dr Treble, all three of those clefs look the same, but are positioned differently on the staff. You typically only see them on trombone and viola parts, or sometimes in choral music.

If I were going to seriously notate chipmusic in some way that was based on western notation (which would be kindof a waste of time in most situations), I would probably build some kind of 8 octave megastaff with every fifth line in bold for each voice.


(102 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Any non-western scale is for "avant garde".

i b4 someone says "I only read graphical scores."


(29 replies, posted in General Discussion)


I post carefully.


(102 replies, posted in General Discussion)
