P.S. if anyone ever finds this man alive, please let me know:
He's just what we're looking for. Perfection.
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ChipMusic.org / Forums / Posts by Mono
P.S. if anyone ever finds this man alive, please let me know:
He's just what we're looking for. Perfection.
Haha. Pathetic. Such noises you're lookin' for (or even better) I can make with my arse.
If you want, I can tatoo "Amiga" name on it. You should be more than pleased.
If this is true, I wanna hear it. Action speaks louder than words, as they say.
As RG put it:
Yo Johny8: man-up and submit something. You are correct, I'm sure that is precisely what mono is looking for.
Interesting stuff.
Well, I've looked into various people over the past few uhh... days or whatever... still not certain on who to go with actually.
Anyway, to those who were interested in this thread and posted, if you ever get around to finishing anything, send tracks via this contact page:
... and i myself or someone else will get in contact with you. Lately I been pretty busy though, and all the more why I myself dread delaying this far more than it should have been delayed already.
In other news: New CC out guys! xD
Just listen to that stuff... Insectica (of 04) included ...no lobat version yet though...
Yeah, i'm totally trying to provoke now... for da lulz.... but shouldn't work when done on purpose this time around.
Now can I get a well deserved warning? Rather than brought upon me by others.
EDIT: Oh, forgot: big thank you for anyone who gave good leads/info and to those who were/are interested (in the Amiga TDS thing).
We been discussing mastering, believe it or not in regards to this particular project.
As for music, I have heard his older Amiga stuff, and to be honest wasn't very impressed (didn't really like like it, it was ok.). I did however listen to few tunes of his with gameboys (yes, gameboys) and whatnot off... I think it was 8bc (yes, 8bc) and took a liking to it. Thus more open minded towards his music, at least that sort of style.
Anakirob introduced me to him. jeah, anakirob is into the demoscene, but he definitely seemed to be more uhh... how would I put it... disconnected with it, to an extent. I believe a bit back was banned from various demoscene sites.
He didn't do anything other than bsns. That's about it. He's a bsns man. He helped bring a boy-band together and managed it, all while exploiting/distorting various definitions from ideology movements (that were already present) to a simple thing such as how people view the word "anarchy".
an·ar·chy [an-er-kee] Show IPA
a state of society without government or law.
political and social disorder due to the absence of governmental control
(Note: it doesn't specifically mean chaos or hint at it. Just lack of things we are accustomed to.)
But according to most people nowadays:
anarchy = chaos and destruction, all thanks to the then exploited/distorted "punk" movement.
People should only be praising him for his bsns and nothing more. Should be featured in bsns magazines more than anything else.
He gave an "face", an image if you will... to something that was faceless, without idols.
If you believe that deserve high praise and merits/awards, then we definitely have different point of views/morals in life.
^ this, would be nice.
i bet cTrix has some stuff that might be cool. I know he's done some junglesk/break styles..
perhaps he's got some harder stuff in his archives.
Oh yeah, forgot to point out: I've spoken to cTrix already in the past. In fact, we been discussing about other things related to this. So we sorta have something going at the moment, but something more in the future with a project closely related to this.
Thanks low-gain. Is all I wanted.
I already got in touch with him about this. He will look into it.
Cool, will be taken into consideration whatnot.
Please, take it over here, I don't derail your threads, Akira:
3rd time I ask not to be derailed, btw.
Hi Mono and RG,
Response? PM me. This thread deserves to not be derailed.
If you address to me in public, I have the right to respond in public. If the whole conversation was in the private realm, i would gladly have kept it there. However I will concede you this, to show my good will regarding the matter.
I will say one thing here, which was the sole point of my message: TONE IT DOWN. There's no need for you to tell Sander to fuck off (I jumped to defend him), or for anyone else to be on the same train (there was no need for Low-Gain to tell b3tabot what he said).
Most everyone I respect is an opinionated motherfucker. But we have to have manners.
Hi, Akira!
Sanders was not being attacked, nor is he a defenseless person unable to defend himself, if needed. Which it was not needed. So don't butt in, it's rude.
Now gladly have some manners and respect a thread.
I'll look more into them, thx. Links are more than welcome, btw.
Also, I probably should mention we also are not looking for generic dancey euro hardcore either :
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-LCz7plu re=related
(will be adding it to the original post)
We want something with more substance than a huge kick/snare overpowering everything. I for one am tired of that crap. It's nice for raves/dancers, but meh, this isn't a rave.
have you hit up my brother? it aint as pumpypumpy but glitchfuck.
Thanks, will be considering him.
Oh come on, can you please leave the drama outside the thread? How many times do I have to ask? Here: http://chipmusic.org/forums/post/18389/#p18389
@akira You are known to insult far more. So get over a subjective opinion, as you sure seem to have big one, as I've seen.
Where am I looking tough or like a "bad boy"? It's a fucking message board on the fucking INTERNET. THE INTERNET. You can't look tough behind a screen! lol
I see a bunch of words and avatars, that is not tough or being a "bad boy".
Also, thank you for linking me to another generic dubstep piece. Send it over to ATR or something, I hear they're accepting them for their remixes, in celebration to their cash-in shows/tour: http://www.atari-teenage-riot.com/
@low-gain Dude, please read this post of yours: http://chipmusic.org/forums/post/18147/#p18147
"pull your fucking head out of the clouds and do a little research before you plan a show jack ass.. "
As you can see you are insulting someone on a personal level. Where can you see me insulting anyone on a personal level? Or being hostile to anyone? I am being pretty clean. I told someone to fuck off from derailing a thread, but never attacked him on a personal level. I'm sure he's a great guy/girl, but I don't care for his/her opinion on thread i created for a completely different purpose. I didn't ask for it.
Do as I say, not as I do, amirite?
" Your post and responses tell me you were expecting people to react to it.. thus telling me you provoked it. "
Also, do not start a conspiracy theory against me, I've already dealt with enough of those at the 8bc. Plenty of unrealistic rumors that went around as it is, just ask herr_prof. I wasn't expecting nor trying to provoke those reactions.
But lets suppose we put that mentality against you or anyone who posted in this thread. By this mentality, everyone who has posted/continues to speak on this, says you guys expected me to react in a hostile manner. So why would you guys do such a horrible thing? Setting me up? xD lawlz.
Look at it from another perspective.
@e.s.c. I did state what we wanted too. Hence the links to the hexadeci and stagediver stuff. Jeah?
I want to know about it here, ALL OF IT. In this thread, not in the other, thx.
You can turn this one in into an AIM convo, if you like.
P.S. I love you too.
Lecture me. I am so ignorant, please. I want it bad.
So bad.
Mono wrote:so gladly fuck off
That wasn't necessary, Mono.
(so that I'll beat the next person to the punch)
I'm so sorry, Mono!
so gladly fuck off
That wasn't necessary, Mono.
(so that I'll beat the next person to the punch)
Don't tell me how to express myself.
I making a clear statement, as to not leave anything in the dark. There is a lot of Amiga based music that is democscene and cutesy chip music, hence the statement. That is not being ignorant. That is being informed. I am making it clear that is not what we want (due to the situation/scenario at hand), since we are aware of it, so gladly fuck off and quit derailing a thread.
I'm not asking for your opinion on the subject at hand.
And yes, I think most demoscene music is shit. I also don't like cutesy-chip music. Wooo a subjective opinion! Hold the presses! BREAKING NEWS!
Good lawd.
ChipMusic.org / Forums / Posts by Mono