(31 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

fuckin jawsome



(27 replies, posted in General Discussion)

brb, joining the kkk

modular/fm synthing: make like a billion 555 oscillators and smash em all together


(85 replies, posted in General Discussion)

i dare somebody to save that shit as .hta


(26 replies, posted in General Discussion)

i'm a bit comfused as to what u will accept,
1 can the music be .mp3, or must it absolutely be something like .nsf?
2 are keyboards and theremins and circuit bent shits ok?
3 is there any particular style or sound you're going for?

this is probably an akward time to mention me and my girlfriend used to get stoned and watch this aaallll the time

gonna be funky...


(50 replies, posted in General Discussion)

i hear if you do that white noise trick while covering your eyes with ping pong ball halves and lying down, u can get the same feeling as being on lsd. apparently if u eliminate all sensory stimulations, your brain creates it's own aka trips the fuck out.


(50 replies, posted in General Discussion)

tehforsterer wrote:
Dauragon wrote:

People are trying to turn this into some Phillip K Dick shit where now you'll see punk kids strung out in alleys with their mp3 players, dodging goverment surveillance, KILLING EACH OTHER OVER DATA.


though it feels like it's all in the interpretation. if people believe they can get high off this shit, they probably will. mind over matter etc etc

FUCK YEAR i believe i saw this on tigsource a while back

that's awesome!


(20 replies, posted in General Discussion)

i've been bending for about 2 years now, and i've found the easiest was to mic a toy is to hook a 1/4th guitar jack onto the speaker terminals and then just run a cable throught to your mixer. good luck man! it's awesome to see another bender in the chipscene, enjoy the bonzais wink

kind of a stupid question, but does anyone know how to program a game for c64?

must... ignore... the trolling...

Thretris wrote:

I REALLY dig the early tunes by PixlCrushr. Hearing his stuff long ago is part of the reason I got into chip music, and to this day, after hearing 100s' and 100's of artist, he is still one of my favorites.

His stuff lately seems to be pretty experimental, but his early stuff still rocks my ipod almost daily.

Here are two albums I really dig

http://www.last.fm/music/PixlCrushr/Flamethrower  (favorite track is Child's Play)

http://www.last.fm/music/PixlCrushr/Phanto+Disco  (favorite track is Game Genie)

seconded. his album with the song amethyst (pixel metropolis or something like that?) was amazing.
And if they aren't known yet after the jakarta tour i'm just going to go ahead and say the Listrix and Abi Rama.
oh and... Quarta330 and maybe Ikonika (if her music is considered 'chip' enough for ya'll).