chiptune can sell out without you selling out
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chiptune can sell out without you selling out
can't you use the pitch bend command with the fastest speed
$50 extra for the code
gplv2 licensed
some people are real scumbags
it is upsetting
i'm sure people will "vote with their dollars" etc
at that price for an amalgamation of existing work i think it unlikely that they don't make a profit though
is it easy to sync different systems trackers? i guess a lot of computers run at 50hz or whatever and that's standard? i don't know
every single pitchfork review is unreadable tripe, why would their reviews of chip stuff be any different ))))))))
ant1 wrote:>>>>>:(((((((((
SketchMan3 wrote:So... now I've learned something.
Anyway, I went back through my songs, and I do occasionally use lower numbers, so there.
I figured out something, though... I should be able to boost the output volume of the emulator over 100% to satisfy my needs and keep my stuff clear sounding.
if you run these program on wav files they can make them as loud as they can possibly be without compromising quality
maybe you're interested in that
I'm always trying to set my stuff so it matches the volume of the music in my mp3 library, so my instruments are consistently A-F
i'm realy happy about linux version
thanks so much delek xxx you are doing great things for all chiptuners
when i read "timed breaks in the audio giving it an oscillator feel" i was expecting some kind of AM modulation (yes i know the M in AM stands for "modulation") but it seems to just be DJ STUTTER FX
WHAT is "the tracker style program"? something that already exists or something NEW?
Yeah, I have ALSA. KiGB needs to step up their game, yo!
Downloading alsa-oss now
Edit: Still nothing. Hmmm... lemme check my emails and see if they've written me back...
did you run "aoss kigb" or "aoss ./kigb" ?
hopefully people channel the spirit of julian while writing songs,- It's not meant to just be grouping a bunch of songs and putting his face on the cover
ant1 wrote:none Nothing NONE
I thought you had all your downloads set on "free."
about to sell some cds but that will be at cost price
none Nothing NONE / Forums / Posts by ant1