In my experience I hadn't even heard of 'the chipscene' or 8bc until like a year ago. So I put that (and this place) in the minority. Most of the guys I know don't even hang out in that scene at all. People have been making and listening to this stuff for so long but you kinda get the impression 'the chipscene' think they invented it.
993 Oct 29, 2010 7:27 pm
Re: The silent population (66 replies, posted in General Discussion)
994 Oct 28, 2010 1:47 pm
Re: Trackers for C64 (to run on the console) (29 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)
Sidetrack: Anyone know of a native sid player with open source?
995 Oct 25, 2010 7:46 pm
Re: I have not finished a whole song this year 2010. (34 replies, posted in General Discussion)
997 Oct 22, 2010 8:07 pm
Re: Trackers for C64 (to run on the console) (29 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)
I'd recommend before you splash out on hardware try Goat Tracker or doing something through an emulator first. You'd be surprised how many people don't like the interfaces on c64 stuff in general, coupled with the clunky DOS. As an alternative you can do the work on emulator and save to tape using PSID64 and WAV-PRG for ultra low-budget conversion.
Couple more recommendations for on-c64 tools:
Music Assembler, easy interface though not tracker.
Aleksi Eeben's Polly Tracker (4 channel digi tracker)
Electrosound. Old but if you want to try out liveplay stuff/mess with sounds uding synth-style interface.
Aleksi released a really good liveplay tool called Retroskoi.
998 Oct 20, 2010 3:02 pm
Re: Unofficial 'Love Each Other' thread. (136 replies, posted in General Discussion)
George wrote:I sometimes wonder why I haven't been banned yet. I have to admit it's, I think, because I have friends here, and I help with shows. I think if someone that was in another position came here and posted the exact same thing, people would get on their back instantly, and they'd probably end up being banned.
Paranoid much? The only way you end up on the radar at all is saying rediculous things like that. Just relax. Also, the idea that we play favourites based on your or other peoples percived friends or influence is acually a little insulting. We are a team of moderators that have a range of independant and objective points of view and we reach decisions based on a group concensus. I think we run a tight ship here. I'm proud of my fellow moderators and the staff that make this place so great.
*shakes head* Not cool at all.
So how come this Jay Tholen guy hasn't been called out for starting this trolling thread?
999 Oct 19, 2010 4:40 pm
Re: Unofficial 'Love Each Other' thread. (136 replies, posted in General Discussion)
tbh it's not that people are jerks to each other, it's more that if you disagree with the chipscene majority or dislike some track you're automatically put in the jerk pile. hence threads like this appear where the same 10 guys congratulate each other and everything stays boring and cosy.
1,000 Oct 16, 2010 9:45 pm
Re: Futurama - 3 Pixels (3 replies, posted in General Discussion)
can someone do a 1-pixel Scott Pilgrim lolz or something and end these reduction pictures for all time? kthx
1,001 Oct 12, 2010 9:04 am
Re: Writer's Block and Creative Burnout (49 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Another good one is to write under a pseudonym, you avoid comparing current work against your back catalog. If it turns out well you can always release under your proper name.
1,002 Oct 11, 2010 6:58 pm
Re: Mission accomplished you guys! (44 replies, posted in General Discussion)
shhhhh careful guys, this could be interpreted as a fun thread.
*ahem*... Yes, I agree. 12.5% duty sounds far more like a dubstep bass than 25%.....
ok that should keep them off the trail for a bit. keep going.
1,003 Oct 11, 2010 1:03 pm
Re: Writer's Block and Creative Burnout (49 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Leave your PC recording in the background while you're making music. (Don't feel self-concious, nobody is going to hear these) If you come up with nothing that day listen back to the recording. Chances are you'll find something good in it (like a riff or something) which you'd forgotten about, then you've got something to start with the next day.
1,004 Oct 10, 2010 9:02 pm
Re: "Cubase64" by Mahoney (Commodore 64) (25 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)
On the subject of brainblasting c64 stuff there's still that digitracker from "Sid Vicious" to come out. (Pretty sure they were looking for beta testers a while back)
1,005 Oct 6, 2010 5:16 am
Re: Hardware vs Software vs Hybrid (39 replies, posted in General Discussion)
4mat wrote:this just in : PC/Mac is hardware.
but in music terms, it's what creates the sound, right?
this is how i see it at least
Hardware = soundchips create the sounds
Software = programs create the sounds
Hybrid = programs tell the hardware how to make the sounds
Well by that method 99% people using 'hardware' are doing Hybrid then, including PCs.
1,006 Oct 5, 2010 10:27 pm
Re: Hardware vs Software vs Hybrid (39 replies, posted in General Discussion)
There's something really nice and satisfying about using pure hardware.
I guess one of the best parts of it is that you don't need to go anywhere near a fucking souless PC/Mac to make music or have any access to the internet to distract you.
this just in : PC/Mac is hardware.
1,007 Oct 3, 2010 9:17 pm
Topic: "Cubase64" by Mahoney (Commodore 64) (25 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)
A while back Mahoney did that "c64 mp3" demo. Now he adds realtime timestretch,auto tune,vocoder,sub bass, equalizer, delay, distortion, bitcrunch, compression and dither to the mix.
1,008 Oct 3, 2010 4:13 pm
Re: Chipmusic Everyone Needs To Have (327 replies, posted in General Discussion)
can someone recommend some "must have" c64 albums/artists? other than rob hubbard or martin galway of course. new and old stuff.
All Kjell Nordbo's albums are great. You might want to start with Ghost Escapes Body
Mermaid's CTR Sonix #13
As far as the eye can see by Tinnitus
Scroll Machine by Yip
Mighty Bogg's Bogg Album #2
Couple of SHAPE ones (various artists)
Echoes of Rapture and Concluded Cuts by Zyron
Various other guys: Abbadon, Deadman, Neil Baldwin, David Dunn, Jonathan Dunn, Aleksi Eeben, Ed, Fanta, Future Freak, Goto80, Hein Holt, Jammer, Jeff, Jeroen Kimmel (Red), Laxity, Linus, Paul Norman, Randall, Richard Joseph, Tempest, Zabutom.... They're all in HVSids