facundo wrote:

well, someone's doinitright!

I'd like to thank Cheese n Beer for being inspiring.
probably wouldn't be happening right now otherwise.

you got AGM!

this is awesome.
...even though i can't be there.


(299 replies, posted in Past Events)

Wow I missed all this hype.  Looks amazing now!


(41 replies, posted in General Discussion)

IAYD wrote:

vertical scroll errday

pretty much.


(11 replies, posted in General Discussion)

SnuGG!!! Texas chip shows have been missing you!


(87 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

Would be cool if it had 2 octaves.
Seems like kind of a toy, but kind of want.

I came for the bass & i was pleased.

what others have said i would like to echo: very consistent style / release.

holy shit, so much chiptune across the country on the 3rd, this is the day of the 1st Low Res!

looks awesome / CNBFTW!


(41 replies, posted in General Discussion)

If nobody has mentioned it yet, Space Megaforce (Super Aleste in Japan), on SNES, is probably my favorite space shmup of all time.  not the most difficult in the normal mode, but it gets crazy on harder levels.  the graphics are gorgeous for SNES, lots of enemies & bullets & really awesome weapons.  Vertical scroll.


(10 replies, posted in Releases)

facundo wrote:

it pretty much lives up to its name.

you owe me a new face, ya jerk!

i'll deliver it next time i'm in NY/NJ, there's some sort of law against shipping new faces across state lines.  for now you'll just have to explain to everyone why your face is like that.


(10 replies, posted in Releases)

what? i make music? and i release it?!?! shit. 
I bet it's not even good.

oh fuck everyone is gone now.

That was unreal, in the best way possible.



(5 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

I use a guitar multi-FX through mixer send and I think it works nicely.

Thread succesfully derailed.

Backup / write better songs / D.G.A.F.

Nordloef is gonna be here in like 20 hours!

I can feel the event horizon approaching.