Create multiple copies of lsdj.sav file, and in lsdj's load/save you can also erase songs, so you need to manually erase all songs except that one and continue in that way with other lsdj.sav files (do it in BGB emulator, move sav file to another location, copy to BGB's folder another sav file and keep second, third... song).

Sorry probably not, maybe it was bad investigation, and my answer was maybe kind of joke, because i have seen many detective stories where murderer was also submitter of investigation at detective smile


(2 replies, posted in Releases)

First song by Martin Galway is played more slowly than original (check hvsc or youtube).


(2 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Buzz is bad grounding or left and right cables are very near so there is some interference between them. They need to be properly isolated because space is only around 1 mm.

I usually take thin scissors and make clean spaces so there is no single hair on pcb.


(438 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

I can ask something? I am working some days on new track, and today morning loaded it, but it seems that is damaged, i put a lot of work into it, pattern order seems ok, instrument section is not ok, but it looks like some bits are moved (F810), it can be saved in some way? Otherwise it is probably lost, it is directly composed in defMON so i cannot easily rewrite it from scratch, it is latest .mato15.


(2 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I don't listen to albums, i have favourite composers:

Rob Hubbard, favourite song is Lightforce and Monty on the Run (C64)
Reyn Ouwehand, OST for Last Ninja III (C64)
Jesper Kyd, OST for Batman and Robin (Sega Genesis)
Jeroen Tel (WAVE), anything from C64, In my life, my mind (Fasttracker II song)

Nice chiptune album (compilation) is Equilibrium released by ubiktune

Best non-chiptune tracker albums: disk and appelsap by md (Mellow-D)

If you are in America, on that ebay you can find many decent Gameboys, new mode is also more versatile and bright IPS displays, but prosound mod is hard to find, maybe one of your friends can help with that, it is really easy task for someone with soldering practice.

I ordered backlights V3 and mounted it myself, it is not hard to do if you are careful, and also prosound mod, soldering three cables before pot, cutting off internal amplifier and soldering cables into 3,5" stereo jack socket takes approx. half hour. Now you can find decent Gameboys on Ebay, i trust these from Germany and England, it looks like solid works.


(5 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

Hello, i don't want to start another topic, so i have only one question, i am under latest macOS Big Sur (iMac) and i am using now Fasttracker II clone from 8bitbubsy (, i am working on one of my older Amiga mod tunes (4-channels), but i am reworking it in Fasttracker II XM format (32 channels). I just want to know, if there is a way to play pattern, but without scrolling, i want to run sequence, but i also want to edit it in realtime (just like is key F5 follow on/off in defMON tracker on C64).

Here is very good comparision between gameboys.


(22 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

You can play one block of all 4 channels and change on-the-fly whatever you want, but yes this is more easy. At least it is a different way to use Gameboy than classic tracking. smile


(22 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

It can be done easily in lsdj, but that Microcosm thing is very interesting, i want it smile

I don't know what is chromatic sampler, it is kinda tunning more to guitar than normal keyboard? I have had custom sampler called Ramikola, it was from my friend Tronik, which was in my land probably Amiga HW leader, it was capable of sample up to 56 kHz in mono, so i sampled a lot from out local radios, probably most house music, because i don't have had in that time my own synths. According to that hum issue, also check if you have in room cable tv with internet socked (twin) near electric plug, this can also be reason of more hum. Of course most people use wifi now, but there is still rooms with internet socked right next to electric plug.

I was using A1200 in 1994-1998 and i don't remember anything like that, if you google you can find similar questions, it can be anything, bad grounding (sometimes some electrical sockets in same room are badly grounded, so do you need to plug computer, monitors or hifi system, recording device to same socket or use galvanic isolation), it can be also bad cables (A1200 can be more sensitive than A500/600). This is maybe also reason i don't have A1200 again, nostalgia factor from 90's is still strong but i am really not computer collector and from musical side is it only a sample player, so UAE is for me enough. C64 is a different thing because it have real synth chip. smile


(1 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

HW SID-synth is currently pretty expensive thing from every perspective. Quality SID chip from ebay costs around 100 eur, Sidstation is also expensive, controller from twisted electrons too (it is without sid chip), on original C64 you can plug cartridge Cynthcart, but you also need midi interface, so this is even more complicated. Easiest solution without SID chip is inSIDious plugin, it is developed by real C64 veterans and it is as real as possible.


(2 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I am wondering, who is "that guy" smile