I stumbled upon this: http://hackedgadgets.com/2010/02/16/mcd … ken-apart/
Someone picked apart an speaking Avatar toy. And I thought, these are the same kind of batteries as in bleepblopo carts, are they not? I can't vouch for the quality of the batteries, but at least they ought to be cheaper than buying batteries by the piece. If you happen to get a chance, buy one of these toys and look for batteries. They could come in handy later. (But when storing them, make sure the leads aren't shorted. smile )


(62 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Saskrotch wrote:

this seems like it would be really distracting to try to use while writing or performing

Writing, yes. Performing, hmmm... All the flashing lights might distract the audience from the music, amirite?

Oh BTW... It might be that just the currently open song is corrupted, which is what Apricorn is talking about. Try going into the file manager and load a new song and see if that solves it. Or press select+A at the load/save menu item to fully clear RAM.

Seems like it can't read the RAM. I'd guess that there's a loose connection somewhere. A hardware error in other words. It's not a battery problem. If it was, the cart would hold the info as long as you had the Gameboy turned on.

Try looking for dirt in the cart slot as a first thing. Next, try writing a sav to the cartridge from the PC and immediately read it back to the PC, and see if it's empty.

I'm pretty sure they've redesigned the keyboard and fucked up the case color by basing it on how the case looks today, (Non-retrobrite'd) rather than what it should look like. But we shall see about that.

Might be a small capacitor beside the battery that kept up the charge while you replaced the battery. Beware that there might be small corruption, however. (One or two bytes here and there.) Actually, if you have a copy before the replacement, and if you'd like, please dump the sav now and send me both and let me compare them.


(3 replies, posted in General Discussion)

The interview was kind of generic, but if it attracts people to the tutorials, hey...
The BG music is probably standard music from the sound library.

Also, that Shank game looks pretty awesome.

Same as above, make sure no files in that folder are read.only. However, you can do this more easily throught the file explorer, by selecting all, right clicking and viewing properties. (As opposed to with the system files n c:\ which are hidden.)

I think you need a space between the parameters:

attrib -h -s -r *.*
attrib +h +s io.sys
attrib +h +s msdos.sys


(6 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

nickmaynard wrote:

is there any difference between the standard link cable and the dmg07 link cables, in this instance?

When the Gameboy is turned off, no current will through out of the battery, and that's the same no matter what. But a DMG-07 has an active circuit that will use a (very) small amount of power from the master Gameboy when it's turned on, even if nothing else is connected to the DMG-07.


(59 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

odea wrote:
PixyJunket wrote:

The last piece of my Play it Loud collection (finally) arrived today.

Pink DMG???? that's DIY?

Probably. Looking at the texture, it looks a bit more shiny and less matte than the others, which leads me to think that that's a dye.

I think this happens because the software tries to list all files in c:\ and want write access. Openiong ze DOS prompt and doing something like
cd \
attrib -h-s-r *.*
This will make io.sys, msdos.sys etc visible and writable, but that's generally no problem as long as you don't delete or modify them. You can also restore their hidden-ness by doing something like:

attrib +h+s io.sys
attrib +h+s msdos.sys

and the same for other files if you need.


(25 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Another one uploaded: http://lsdsng.com/song/just-squirt-fm-test-bonus


(25 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Just uploaded my first lsdsng to that site. Will upload more, as soon as I can upload kits. Don't know yet if you have to do something/wait for some time before you can upload kits, or if it's a bug. I have mailed Chromix about it.



(13 replies, posted in Past Events)

akira^8GB wrote:

Therefore, since this thread is out of the law, we can do whatever in it, right?

*froths hands*

Yes! And what I want to do is close it!

The Atmega168 has hardware support for SPI, which might or might not be abusable for faster Arduino->Controller port speeds.


(4 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Simple answer: two channels. Plase a hit on the noise pulse channels at the same time. The pulse hit should probably have something like velocity, 91-92. Maybe decrease the length parameter. Pulsewidth: 50%. Either use a suitable sweep or place maybe a PF3-PFA command. Note: Maybe G-5 - G-6.  The noise hit, I leave to you to figure out.

Edit: Shape -> sweep