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Topics by Moriokun
Posts found: 145-156 of 156
You know what, let's do it. We should all just put on a show in Chicago. We gotta step up.
We need to talk about venues, I'm not familiar with venues in Chicago. Post below If you know of any good venues.
We need to discuss a range of dates. that we can use to nail down a venue.
Names for the show
I know of one venue that I went to for It was at a place called Enemy. It was decent venue and cetainly could hold a chiptune show, but it wasn't a professional venue to say the least.
A February show on a saturday is my vote.
Name: "Chip Central"
abrasive wrote:I'm hoping to fund it out of my own pocket - which will mean the first few batches will be hand-made by yours truly, I believe.
If it's cheaper than a Nanoloop, I'll be there day one.
abrasive wrote:PhD + moving house = no time at the moment!
I'll have some time over the Christmas break, which should be enough to finish off the firmware. Then it's just a matter of sorting out manufacturing... ("just", heh).
Are you planning on doing a kickstarter project to fund it or do you have other plans?
or am I jumping the gun?
I can get a new Kaoss pad on Amazon for $110. How much have you used it? I've been looking to pick one up but $110 is a little pricey for me.
asneakyfatcat wrote:Moriokun wrote:Digging the black. I'll have to track the paint you mentioned above for my next mod. I'm planning on doing the same thing, but with a red backlight and red translucent buttons, although I might paint the inside of the buttons black to make it pop more.
Have you ever seen the clear cases that people paint from the inside? They look sick!
yeah I have, they're just a pain to track down.
Aw damn, this looks sweet. Wish there was a desktop version of this.
DJCactus wrote:i really wanted an excuse to party too, maybe later this month or after next semester ill try to get a venue.(it would be here in michigan though)
I'd be up for that. Be best if we did it on a weekend, saturday would be best. Start a new thread if your serious about putting a show together!
Digging the black. I'll have to track the paint you mentioned above for my next mod. I'm planning on doing the same thing, but with a red backlight and red translucent buttons, although I might paint the inside of the buttons black to make it pop more.
kitsch wrote:(our backlights have a resistor built-in, so like kineticturtle says, take this into account if you look at that tutorial, the nonfinte one's require you add the external resistor or you'll burn out your LED)
Just to be 100% sure: I solder the resistor that came with the kit, between the V3 backlight's positive red wire and the positive terminal of the capacitor I can do this instead of the way Nonfinite shows of soldering it the bottom board?
Hey All! I just got my second V3 backlighting kit from Nonfinite. One flaw/annoyance I found with installing my first backlight a few months back was that the wires hung down to the bottom board and made accessing the internals a nightmare due to the fear of yanking out the solders.
However, when watching the backlight installation tutorial, he mentioned that you can solder the wires to the board that holds the LCD (See link) instead.
Does anyone have any specific tutorials on alternate soldering points for the V3 Backlight? and are there any down sides to doing so?
Thanks in advance!
I've been using my Mac, running Audio Hijack Pro, as a mixer of sorts. I primarily use it to increase the output volume since I like to compose with the volume cranked. I can also record, equalize, add effects, and whatever else. I'll probably just be using the software primarily for it's effects since I just purchased a nice mixing board.
Audio Hijack is $32, but you can get a decent mixing board under $100.
I'm relatively new to chiptunes, but I would love to do a live set! I live up in Milwaukee but I don't mind coming down since my aunt has a place in the city.
Posts found: 145-156 of 156
Pages Previous 1 … 8 9 10 / Forums / Posts by Moriokun