(7 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

I have the opportunity to pick up a Commodore 64 or 128.  I was wondering if the extra processing power of the 128 matters in making music, especially when booted up in 64 mode.  I have an unused MSSIAH that I am super excited to start using, I just want to pick my tools wisely.

Such a great night.  Ask my friend Kenny about the sick deals.


(101 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Saskrotch's For Everlasting Peace Parts 1&2

http://saskrotch.bandcamp.com/album/for … ting-peace


Santana has never been good, how is this news?


(31 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Holding my wife's Pom Christi

And my man about town, Gimli.

And one for good measure.


Analog wrote:

you need zero latency? maybe a more expensive unit will give you all your needs.

EDIT: http://www.focusrite.com/products/saffire/saffire_6_usb

not cheaper, but great.

I am going to second this one.  Huge bang for your buck.  Really though, the cheaper the unit the cheaper the preamps and converters, saving up is always a good idea.


(14 replies, posted in Releases)

I'm a fan.  Are you performing this at Micropalooza?

PlainFlavored wrote:

...and more exciting shit to come.


Good work!  You've inspired me.

Listening to this album this morning, just wanted to renew my heart for Prain Fravored.


(3 replies, posted in Releases)

xero wrote:

i heart the cover art so much!
the pixelated dmg circuit board looks awesome!

bone thief is a monster track! great release.

Give props to my friend Fable Fire for the cover art.  Shes awesome.  www.fablefire.com

Shes designed my favorite gig shirts.


(3 replies, posted in Releases)

Its been a long time in the scene and I finally have something to show for it.


Hold the left and right cursor buttons as you turn it on.  Don't do anything past that because its the factory reset and you'll lose any cool patches you've made.

What version of the firmware is the TX81Z?


(30 replies, posted in General Discussion)

ovenrake wrote:

Mechlo: I should have some PDX shows coming up soon regardless.

Fuck yes.  We miss you.  We=I and miss=buttlove.