(206 replies, posted in Motion Graphics)

Nice! Thanks calmdownkidder and ninjaspew for this videos!

I did'nt know about this version. And I'd like to try it too!

I don't have any seal of approval but this release is really really cool.

I'm not sure anything make sense here, but I really enjoy the weird concept of "chiptune drum pattern".

Your version of Let it snow is my favorite christmas song.


(3 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Hi and welcome here! Your project seems interesting, I can't wait to see what you can do with it!


(8 replies, posted in Releases)

Finland and UK? Come to France, so I can enjoy the show! big_smile

(it's really one of my favorite chiptune release of the year)


(8 replies, posted in Releases)

OK this is REALLY nice. Love it! Good job with this release.

I don't remember any way to do this. I'll try it this evening and tell you if I find a way.


(3 replies, posted in Releases)

Some atari goodness thing. Good job with this release!

I'll listen to this thing tomorrow! It seems promising.

LittleGPTracker is a good choice indeed.

When you save a pattern, it saves it with the tempo you're using.
When you load a pattern you have different choices:
B + right trigger + up will load the pattern with the saved tempo
B + up will load the pattern without loading the saved tempo

And yes indeed, some tempo values are not possible.

If you're interested (I've never used this function), you can set what is the "master channel" for tempo with the right trigger in the song editor. The manual says that "When a channel is set for tempo, the saved tempo values are applied during song playback."

Hope you'll have fun with nanoloop 2!


(2 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Not really a chiptune artist (well, he has released an album on 8bitpeople under the "I, cactus" name), but I really miss Khonnor/Grandma. I used to listen to his music a lot.

GLOOMS wrote:

Have you looked at the nano device ? That will be less noises than a GBA , if your GBA is too noises try a GB micro or a Nintendo DS Lite.

Thanks! Of course I've backed the future nanoloop device, I can't wait to try it! I'm quite a nanoloop addict. big_smile

oliver wrote:

it's nanoloop 2.

That's what I thought. Nice (I hate working on nanoloop 2 because my GBA is too noisy and I'm too lazy to mod it).