Hello Chip lovers and Chip makers,
One year ago S.P.R.Y,Me(spOOked), and Disabletron started this crazy group called "SSDengage". We've been at maximum warp since that time. We have released 4 albums in our first year. Jesus! What are we, 60s rock muiscians? This new one entitled "Stereo" is our longest to date. It features 9 new tracks thats range from us experimenting with vocals,echos,reverb tanks, new drum machines and nanoloop (again). It also features 9 Remix/Reworked old SSDengage tracks in honor of what we have done this year. We are humble in the face of all of you, thank you so much for sharing your time,ear,and feelings with us. For what its worth. We will continue to work on perfecting our sound with our solo efforts and alike, We hope you enjoy this album and hope to see you at a show or seven.
Thanks for the love,
Michael (spOOked)
P.S. Interview With Kuma !!!