I will take on a serious name when i start releasing music, djcactus was more of a fuck around i have gameboys and nintendo ds.  Now more so i do random audio work for people in my free time, usually de-essing or light compressing on vocals.  It is what it is.

like i said, if i was releasing music out of my rig i would probably have a better name then this, its more of a handle at this point.

people trip on this kind of thing, dont be one of those people.

Cant you save patches in the editor though?  Computers kind of a big part of my set-up, if i could send some sysex messages to recall my patches i would be golden

Oh nice!  Ive been waiting to pull the trigger on one of these because i didnt want to be stuck trying to find an editor


(119 replies, posted in General Discussion)

doin voodoo with blue dew


(64 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Invisible Robot Hands wrote:
DJCactus wrote:

you mean if i have a keytar i can pretend to be someone else?  brilliant.  Almost best thread ever award.  awarded to this one.

Just make sure you blatantly steal someone's music and go on tours pretending to play it. Good luck!

right, it would be stupid to get a set with my keytar and totally forget to steal something to play, then the jig would totally be up.


(64 replies, posted in General Discussion)

you mean if i have a keytar i can pretend to be someone else?  brilliant.  Almost best thread ever award.  awarded to this one.


(76 replies, posted in General Discussion)

only use tempos that are divisible by interpretive dance.  (this might actually be advice.)


(52 replies, posted in General Discussion)

chunter wrote:

This would be far easier if it was favorite of a decade, favorite of a style, favorite music in a video game.

I can't do this without making a gigantic incoherent list.

exactly why i ranted off a few and said "comes to mind"


(119 replies, posted in General Discussion)

hard cider, a little vodka, and some diet cola.  Not all in the same cup.


(55 replies, posted in General Discussion)

3 years til my house is paid off.
maxed out a credit card to fill out some studio essentials.  dont know when it will be paid off.
Worked like an animal
this year i should be back in the jam game and hopefully picking up at least one semester at some point if i got the extra cash.

this guy was cool for some stuff, easier on the hands these days, though i would rather use the classic, oddly enough.


(52 replies, posted in General Discussion)

gradius III
the world ends with you
advanced wars series
castlevania series sotn-end of the first ds titles
a link to the past
chrono trigger
contra 4
final fantasy IX

come to mind


(66 replies, posted in General Discussion)

just try to enjoy making your music and try not to trip on the labels.

Ive got the same thing in firewire affair, has another 2 ins and 4 outs in the back, saffire 14 i believe, works great.  Definitely make a good bang for your buck interface.


(42 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Its true, you have already learned some theory without realizing it, but doing a little light reading couldn't hurt especially when you get into chord progression concepts and scale modulations.