(56 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I can't work out who my favourite chiptune artist is, but it's whoever wrote the song "dedngone & telephone" on one of those anonymous aanaaanaaanaaana.net compilations


(51 replies, posted in General Discussion)

my old music is painful arp hell and people love it.

my music is better in 2013 because I Don't Make It And Nor Should You


(26 replies, posted in General Discussion)

ForaBrokenEarth wrote:
extreme zan-zan-zawa-veia wrote:

1) believe you are justified a whole bunch of fame for doing something essentially anyone could do
2) everything else follows

You've really got that depressive narcissism thing down.

that was honest advice.


(26 replies, posted in General Discussion)

1) believe you are justified a whole bunch of fame for doing something essentially anyone could do
2) everything else follows


(104 replies, posted in Releases)



(104 replies, posted in Releases)

"don't make your website, make our website instead" is not good advice


(17 replies, posted in General Discussion)

the idea of a provocative thread is to bring forefront a conceptual problem which cannot be solved by calm gentlemanly discourse. i know you already are aware of this in your heart of hearts

chipmusic.org an overthrown tsar complaining "well i must say this revolution is very infantile and hardly sporting whatsoever"


(162 replies, posted in General Discussion)

i'll put anything on blast if it proves a microcosm of future nerd planet wastage

2. crass were bloody awful


(27 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

You have gone mad


(35 replies, posted in General Discussion)

i buy a cheap CD off ebay every now and then. I really want to buy splits between new, interesting bands but it is REALLY hard to actually find out about that type of release for some reason. last time I found one it was through clicking Random artist on metal-archives, lol


(86 replies, posted in Releases)

tristendo i love you


(51 replies, posted in General Discussion)

definitely Brazil, yeah

also THX 1138 was badass


(100 replies, posted in General Discussion)

everyone welcome mick rippon to chipmusic.org



i've made threads like this but used them to recommend good stuff rather than chastise the bad.

i'd say that chipmusic isn't inherently of low quality compared to pop or jazz or fromp metal but it does partially appeal to people from various scenes - retro dance, game soundtrack remix/homage, one hour compo-ing, experimental loop degrader weirdos - who will set aside a great bulk of what's possible in music for the sake of craftmanship, authenticity, tunnel-visioned perfectionism or any other goal which conflicts with pure composition, and arrive at music it's easy to find unsatisfying out of context. i mean i almost totally eschew the idea of modern production and favor the idea that a song is done when the last note is sequenced, and some people will call that art, others will call it laziness, and others still will have no opinion.


(100 replies, posted in General Discussion)

all the review websites die out haha
or they run out of good material and are too timid to say anything about the bad stuff

also experimental certainly isn't the right word for gameboy music where the melody has been written as a random string of crotchets. i'd label a lot of the work on inpuj.net experimental, perhaps. most of the GOOD STUFF appears to be famicompo-core at this point


(1,052 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

nothing special. just rediscovering a love for short, specific palettes


(617 replies, posted in Releases)

new album coming soon "furry lesbians against Cameron"