
1. You take three of your Gameboy's OSCs and set them to saw. Offset them one octave each.
2. You can detune each channel a little
3. You split the resulting three octave saw channels into four frames
4. Set your Gameboy's LFO to sine, modulating pulse-width
5. Multiplex the LFO signal to the four frames to assign different LFO frequencies and phases to each
6. Fade in vibrato
7. Create a pitch envelope that starts the attack bellow the note, fast rises above it and slowly decays to the note
8. Add portamento
9. Give it some chorus


Now, without being a dick: You can't easily synthesize this on most chip hardware. You're better off to emulate it, in the wave channel for example, by mimicking the resulting waveform. However, I'll say the easiest way to do it would be using a sample. wink


(149 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Moriokun wrote:
Tsuki wrote:

What was this thread about? I can only see X everywhere u_u

It was for something called the Ninstrument but the author cleared it all out. Kinda fishy.

Probably just frustrated. I followed this discussion a little although I have no interest in the topic, and actually was about to happily chime in that I value the maturity of this place where people can disagree on something without ending up butthurt.
I guess not. tongue

Uh.. um.. I shouldn't post when I'm stressed out at work I guess. Sorry about that, now I made myself look like a total dick.

What I meant was that the mix sounded inconsistent across tracks, but upon re-listen I think I can blame the cheap-ass speakers I have at work.

I get headaches from fast blinking things, so I react somewhat hostile towards them. That's my problem though, and easily fixed with a block.

I apologize for my cunty behavior. Bad day.

..which results in the no-bullshit average of 6/10 I guess big_smile

Seriously though, there's some good stuff there. One thing I noticed is that the production was shaky, which somewhat disrupted the album feel. That may have been soundcloot though.


(41 replies, posted in Releases)

Getting a nice Timothy's Monster vibe from this. Great composition & production.

music not bad but severe demerits for attention whoring and fucking annoying avatar 4/10 kthx


(226 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

Ice Cream Truck Tunes, via WFMU:
http://blog.wfmu.org/freeform/2006/06/i … truck.html

Also, I need to update the index again. Will see to that.

You can add http://www.facebook.com/plugins/like.php to your block-list, that'll prevent sites from loading that button. I'm actually with akira on this, but I've given up on that bit of privacy for convenience. Largely for the same reasons I still use search-engines. Or don't use Tor. Or have auto-complete on in my browser. etc etc


(16 replies, posted in General Discussion)

chunter wrote:

What C64 tune it was lifted from?

Are you sure it's a SID? I'm not claiming perfect pitch or anything, but it made me think of an AY. Well, the arps at least. The chorused beeps didn't.


(30 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

Nay to both. The profile is only one click away, signatures and post counts just clutter up the forums. I hate forums where the signature is usually ten times the size of the actual post. I guess you could make some kind of mouse-over menu with the social media links or whatever, but I don't like those either.

[x] Allow thumbs up/down

malobit has an impressively comprehensive list


(10 replies, posted in Releases)

Woop! Woop!

bitRchip, bitRchip!


(13 replies, posted in General Discussion)

welp http://seaquence.org/m1t
fun 5 minutes though


(21 replies, posted in General Discussion)

(which is currently down, just so you don't wonder when you get a time out)