(4 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

lazy_eh wrote:

What about the power LED?
Can you just drop a green one in place of the red one?

Yes? I did it but for a blue one. Might wanna consider putting in a 3mm LED though, since the default red is that big (or small, however you wanna put it). Mine was a 5mm, I had to file down on the sucker and then cut a little bit off of the case (the circular protector bit that's supposed to fit around the LED).

But it works.


(88 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I like the Intro Sequence (V2) better. :I
Sound or no sound. I think it's more stylish. : ]


(12 replies, posted in Trading Post)

SuperBustySamuraiMonkey wrote:

more european stuff is always welcome

Amen to that.

IndigoChild wrote:
my.Explosion wrote:

OK OK OK. Get this guys... I can hear... Music!

Isn't *that* amazing?

The purpose of my post was educational. I provided my method of musical interpritation for comparison and contrast.

If you were attempting to make a fool** out of me I am sorry you see it that way.

** this word has been cencored.

I'm not. It was a silly joke. :I

*hangs head in shame*

OK OK OK. Get this guys... I can hear... Music!

Isn't *that* amazing?


(2 replies, posted in General Discussion)

This is cool. Donated yesterday. :3 Some really cool tunes to grab there.
Won't qualify for any prizes tho I think. <.<;

Tried it too but my previously installed version of Python didn't want to recognize the PIL so I never bothered. sad

+ I don't have anything cool to put on it right now anyway.

Well, one thing you could do is to learn enough programming to actually load a custom image on the gameboy.
Would this be akin to what you'd like to do?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6nMMDE6p … re=related Too bad it never got finished. sad

* Really cool track *

This is amazing...


(7 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

Apeshit wrote:

Can you upload a picture? It may be a torn connection under the LCD.

Thought those were horizontal? ;O

But yes, upload a pic if you can.


(7 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

It might be the ribboncable that attaches to the screen. You may have to heat it up a bunch to make the contacts re-attach.
I know that it's hidden below a small rubber strip on the bottom of the LCD.

I think? :I


(5 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Well. IIRC there are other problems. Such as pitch-bend not working as intended and such things. I do not think that LSDJ translates 1:1 with a GB Boy as with a Game Boy.
I think I read that somewhere. I don't really remember where. Maybe it wasn't for these units...

Sit tight, someone with better knowledge is sure to come by. : ]

I found what I was referring to. But it was said under the GB boy colour units. I have no idea if the vanilla GB Boy has the same problems, but something tells me "why shouldn't it?". But again: I could be mistaken, and I hope I am. smile


(5 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I think the comments* below vote against it.

* The comments on kitsch-bent site.


(49 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Slap yourself across the chest (you may also rip, if your nails allow for that), roar into a mirror and then get to work.

But seriously: if you can't regain the passion by doing it, then something might be off. Try and remember why you started it all and ask yourself if you still want the same thing. Goals and passions change, it's inevitable most of the time.
(This has probably been said about 10000 times in this thread, this is really standard stuff)


(70 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Fun question. I'm me all the way. A continuous loaf of me.

I "am" also a lot. Game programmer, artist (as in draws stuff) and a musician. So sometimes it is difficult to have people understand just what I do but I don't think I'd have a good time maintaining any alter egos or anything. I even hate the idea of using different "user names" for these but my real name isn't that cool so I kinda have to.
It's a tough cookie, but a cookie I baked for myself so I gotta eat it all. smile