@DragonBot -- i'll get more pics asap, when i have some time to spare
(and a charged camera taking a look at it). the speaker grill will continue to be non-original, yes. its a style lifted from another console part.
@Dr Treble -- they'll be all sorts of things. i have yet to decide what the first run will be, although the poll on the product page on the site will be the main factor in this. and black and white as a standard stocked item too, for painters and the like. maybe clear as standard too. tbh, i was thinking of doing one-off runs of a hundred sets or so of a particular pantone color. i love pantone, and i love limited edition things.
probably with some screen-printed stuff too. but thats yet to be worked out.
it would be limited runs of pixel-arted cases. the cost jumps a bit though, thats the issue. but, the idea is driving me a little nuts.
so, probably limited runs of cases, with artwork by different artists.
in other news on these, i'm told that the final revision of the design will be finished this coming week, and after that means more samples (since this is the final version, as long as adding matte doesn't cause flash again on the speaker grill). more samples than last time, i'll post more info here when i know it. thats all i know for now.
i'm pretty excited myself. they are so close to being done. being done pre-blip even. unless something happens.
some of the questions people email me about i don't know the answer to yet, its just undecided. i'll probably make a couple polls to help gauge interest, they are things which matter more from your perspective than mine... so, look out for those.