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Search options (Page 9 of 31) / Forums / Posts by xylo
Topics by xylo
Posts found: 129-144 of 495
iLKke wrote:It's not intended to be just a playback tool.
8bitbubsy has been (slowly) adding editing features to it for ages.
Also thank god it's based on 2.x, sample switching on the fly is the single most useful trick to make amiga chiptunes come to life.
Lazerbeat wrote:Whoops! Should be there now, apparently when you make the digital release public, it doesn't make the associated merch public...
Nop, very lame.
And nice release! \o/
Great idea and awesome artwork!
For Frans Twisk (mr. EINDBAAS) his 30th birthday, Lunar Park (a.k.a. Monodeer), Men of Mega, RoccoW, Ultrasyd and xyce decided to make some music for EINDBAAS' Frans Twisk. With five original tracks and five remixes of one of each others earlier tracks we're pretty sure we've stroked Frans' ego for the next five years.
Listen / download the EP on Bandcamp:
Star Fighter Dreams wrote:Make both and I will buy them. I just hope the snapback fits my big head
If the actual 'snapback' isn't big enough for your hat you might want to get some medical research done. 
If you got any left, I'm in for a snapback!
Awesome stuff dude! Happy to see you board the Cheapbeats ship again with this new album!
Don't know if I already thanked you, but might as well do it again: thanks!
Always cool when people take time to listen well to your music and give out an opinion that's truthful and honest.
My opinion: Use Bandcamp.
nickmaynard wrote:xylo wrote:I'd say under the term 'chiptune' they're pretty accessible. Bands like Anamana that use instruments and a vibe that people are familiair with are really a lot easier to pick up by 'mainstream' (wrong word, don't know how to describe a better one) than the hardcore C64, SNES, or whatever console - artists. So I'd would say that chiptune is still a niche.
Yeah I mean, I wouldn't disagree that they're more accessible than some. But people talk about their "accessibility" as if they owe their success to it (and I've seen some people use the term derisively or as a way to justify their own lack of success).
If Anamanaguchi didn't have rock instruments, I believe they would still be successful because of their work ethic (which I think is unique in the scene) and their perseverance (8 or 9 years of making music?).
I definitely wouldn't state they own their success to being more or less accessible than other chiptune artists! Hard work deserves credit! Just saying that I think it's easier to break out of the niche when making a style of chiptunes that is a bit more familiair due to the use of other instruments besides the usual game stuff. And therefore don't agree a 100 percent with Primate saying Anamanaguchi proofs it is actually not true that chiptunes stays a niche. Depends very much on the style imho.
nickmaynard wrote:n00bstar wrote:They're by far the most accessible product of the scene
I think their "accessibility" takes a distant backseat to their work ethic in the list of reasons they're successful.
Without taking anything away from Anamanaguchi, I would say someone like J. Arthur Keenes (strong pop vocals) or some of the more house/trance/whatever dudes are more "accessible" than Anamanaguchi because they're so much more similar to music people are already familiar with. Intense, hyperactive power pop with 64th note square waves isn't really that "accessible", I don't think.
Anamanaguchi is kicking ass because they're working hard and have been working hard for years. So stoked to see them doing so well! So stoked to see them play in rochester with danimal so soon!
I'd say under the term 'chiptune' they're pretty accessible. Bands like Anamana that use instruments and a vibe that people are familiair with are really a lot easier to pick up by 'mainstream' (wrong word, don't know how to describe a better one) than the hardcore C64, SNES, or whatever console - artists. So I'd would say that chiptune is still a niche.
Posts found: 129-144 of 495 / Forums / Posts by xylo