(19 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

There was/is a lsdsng to mml converter somewhere on the lsdj site (i think), but from what i understand it doesn't work well / has almost no documentation.

OrigamiCat wrote:

Well this is annoying. So in theory it should be fine if I write the piece on the pocket as opposed to using the DMG?

If you write it on the pocket, you'll become aware of what it can't handles as you write it. It's not an issue of where it's written, but what the chip on each one can handle.


(19 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)



i was thinking something more for PC or java or something, but a straight up gameboy player would be pretty cool too though i suppose, if they could play songs in a row or something

I mean, there's a pretty sweet .lsdsng player for gameboy called LSDJ

I stopped using pockets cause they always crashed on anything I wrote. Colors can handle more than a DMG, Pockets can't, at least in my experience.

If you wrote it on a non-pocket, there's a huge possibility that the track is just too much for the pocket's CPU to handle.

Here's a pretty handy guide for replacing capacitors on the game gear
http://members.optusnet.com.au/eviltim/ … epair.html


(12 replies, posted in Trading Post)

modded DMGs flow like water in cm.o trading posts

Well the interleave option is like, X/Y groove at interleave 1 is X/Y, interleave 2 is X/X/Y/Y, 3 is X/X/X/Y/Y/Y etc. I'll try out those commands though, thanks!

There was actually a request I had a ways back, that got buried cause it was the last post on a page and other people posted stuff after.

I was wondering if there would be a way to interleave the groove the way VGM MM does? It's pretty much the only thing keeping me from converting to deflemask. You can write in X/X/Y/Y in ways that you could never do in X/Y. Or is there something I'm missing about how to set the groove to this?


(4 replies, posted in Releases)

You just start a thread that's like "Duality Micro Releases" and then you post in that instead of making a new one every time. It'll be better because, well, look:

That's the last two months or so. It's a lot.


(4 replies, posted in Releases)

Maybe you should just stick to one general Duality Micro release thread.

You shouldn't need a command line to get in there, unless they removed the Go to Folder in the Go menu in mountain lion?

yeah i should probably stick to bumping topics 3 days after someone posted to tell them they're assholes

edit: also just looked through 10 pages of my posts and didn't find another one where i'm complaining about an old thread being bumped.


(40 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Saskrotch wrote:

Isn't this like the third topic we've had about this?

I guess third and a half, since one of them is about more than just gameboys, but also includes gameboys

http://chipmusic.org/forums/topic/414/g … game-boys/
http://chipmusic.org/forums/topic/820/w … r-gear-in/
http://chipmusic.org/forums/topic/8255/ … me-boy-in/

You should edit the first post and throw a question mark in the topic, I thought you were mad at someone for reasons I couldn't piece together.


(38 replies, posted in General Discussion)

yeah that was part of the joke. the other part is that it's a laptop so the keyboard is on it's side too.

glad you guys pick up on jokes real well.