my god that is a damn sexy flyer.
is it to much to ask for tshirts that are available over teh internets bearing that design is an online community in respect and relation to chip music, art and its parallels.
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my god that is a damn sexy flyer.
is it to much to ask for tshirts that are available over teh internets bearing that design
$75-100 maybe cheap for you but.... some of us aren't as fortunate.
the way you describe music is that those with money should have more access to music creation devices then those without. thats not really fair low-gain. not all of us can buy new platforms to get midi support. thats why i support any development for midi support on the various LGPT platforms. i know some one can use it.
i dont mean to come off like i am pissed off at you or trying to be disrespectful in any way but i think there is a flaw in your logic low-gain.
lol get a job hippie!!!
and honestly if 75 to 100 will make or break you i would suggest stopping music for a bit and concentrating and doing whatever you can do to get out of your situation. real life and family comes first.
also get a job hippie!!
hey at least its not micheal bay or uwe boll
holy awesome!
Pardon the bump. Got my mini KP and I'm pretty happy with it. I have lots of junk already but I think it's got its own niche. Anyway, I made a video demonstrating a couple of the looper programs. I hope it will help anyone here (or elsewhere) with the same kinds of questions I had about it.
oh nice
that make me want to dig into my kp3 and get to know it better
Hi!!! awesome!!
speccy music please
xero wrote:there's a *fun* aspect in modding things.
a lot of the time the mod isnt necessary,
but useful and a fun experience.Not to mention gives you +100SP (scene points)
fuck.. now wonder my scene point score is so low :'(
good point
and closed
if you disagree feel free to pm me and we can chat
i like nick and i like jack and i like fighter x. me and nick have been friends for probably 5 years.
i just feel like i need to get that off my chest cause i'm always getting people bringing up some fighter x hate to me.
dont do that stuff okay.
this but i don't think i've known nick as long
never really understood all the butthurt that pops up about fighter x
please keep it civil folks or the thread will be closed
ok so I have a vocal track that has some loud and quite parts how do i smooth it out so it is uniformed?
rerecord it and do it right this time?
yah you can fix it, but why not do it right and not need to fix it?
mmm cake!
Lazerbeat wrote:Looks like they have large ones at kind of games?
IAYD wrote:Also, Josh -- Large is still in stock on the KOG site if you wanted to try and shrink your shirt..?
Nullsleep wrote:Josh, I have this t-shirt in size L (you gave it to me). I don't wear it, so if you want it, it's yours.
Thanks guise. Large is too big, and I doubt I could shrink it successfully; I'm sure any attempt I made would result in some kind of dryer inferno. But thanks.
drink moar beer
get fat
problem solved
also luckily my wife and i have similar taste in shoes so no problems there. i wouldn't be caught dead in some old man vans playing shuffleboard.
i just read this to my wife she told me she's thrown away stuff that she didn't like. shock
that totally explains why i couldn't find that tshirt though
mmm nice poster!
god damn i hope i can make it out.
pm sent / Forums / Posts by infradead