(3 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)


And yeah, that is exactly what I want to experiment with really - I have a larger hybrid setup being involving ableton clips triggering a sequencer so that I can control which section of a tune plays on a few synths, one of which is a DMG. Until now I'd been using an arduinoboy to play individual instruments via MIDI, but that's a bit unreliable and limits you to one channel at a time.


(16 replies, posted in General Discussion)



(3 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I need to start experimenting with this I think... as still can't decide the best way to use a DMG live in a hybrid setup with loads of other gear, and I feel like this gives both the biggest sound pallette and the option to use 4 channels....

but.. does anyone know:

is the right version of LSDJ to do so  just the one with "Arduinoboy" written on the end of the file?
So the most recent is 5.9.9?


(3 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

ah, ok, that actually sounds easier than I thought! thank you!

it's an EMS usb cart, so I actually just need to alter the ROM and upload that over USB I guess?

do I lose all my saves at that point? (I can back them up anyway)

hmm, then I assume you probably have the cable right, but definitely worth checking just in case...

I wouldn't have thought the Uno/Nano switch will make any difference, but again, worth a go! sometimes stuff just starts working for reasons unknown.

not sure about kits in the EU atm - these guys are sold out:

not sure if there is anywhere else but Catskull int he US. I feel like you must be able to fix this though without resorting to a kit wink

<edit - actually, what I posted in this post not relevant!>


is the link cable you used an official Nintendo one? If not, did you already check the plug with a multimeter to make sure which pins are attached to which colour wire?

although, if you're working from just that arduinoboy image, I guess you had to.....

Not sure what else this might be really as it sounds like it's working but not sending the correct MIDI data. (maybe triple-quadruple check all the soldering just for luck.)

Anyone able to clear something up for me?

If you want to upload new kits to LSDJ, you need a cart and a ROM flasher... is that correct?

I have the Android backup app, and I sort of thought it might be possible to do it using that, but if it is I can't work out how...

is this the sort of thing i need?


I *think* the diagram is a bit confusing.
If you look here;


pin 2 (with the 220R resistor) is going to pin 4 on the MIDI plug, and pin 3 to pin 5 - as the diagram shows above...

The problem is most female MIDI connectors for attaching to a PCB/stripboard are the other way up - and it is  looking at the front of the front of the plug I think, so it is quite easy to get this the wrong way round (I remember it giving me a massive headache last time I made one) - it's easier to think of the pin numbers on the plug I think as these are easier to work out whichever way you look at it?

I would definitely treble check this with the schematic and this pic:

I am pretty sure those are from the front of the MIDI plugs actually, so that would explain it.

I think they're standard MIDI connections, so you can check other schematics, am looking for one using the same opto coupler now....

I'm not much of an expert on building an arduinoboy specifically, but if it were me, I would reflow the solder on pin D12 as it doesn't look like a good joint - you  can see a lot of the pad.
It also doesn't appear to be connected to the resistor next to it at the moment? but that might be the photo.

And as a matter of preference, I would go for a DMG rather than a GBC

100% this.


(42 replies, posted in General Discussion)

go wild - all "Pay what you want" anyway, but drop me a line if you want .wavs or a zip file or to be on the mail list for forthcoming stuff (of which I have quite a bit.)


herr_prof wrote:

this thread is officially longer than the first wave of chiptune


that's if you're at the fleamarket obvs, although a decent ebayer will send you a photo of the battery compartment I would think.

and the volume control thing doesn't matter so much  if you intend to pro-sound mod it before the volume pot

some ideas:

check in the battery compartment that there's no signs of batteries having leaked (orangey-brown goop everywhere.

check the cartridge slot for rust.

take batteries and test it if they'll let you - if there are horizontal lines across the screen avoid, if there are vertical lines you can usually fix it if you have a soldering iron.

If you can take a cart, or they have one check the sound via headphones to see that a) it's in stereo and b) the volume pot isn't really, really crackly.