(2 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I'll buy that for $2


(9 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

excellent work!


(0 replies, posted in Releases)

Some nice AY3 Arps on my new one...  pay what you want here:


ah ok, I totally get this now, and it's great - thanks!

thanks.... I did read that....
but I'm still awful at counting in hex so I assumed I would have to mess about a bit.....

I think I just worked it out though...  10/20/30/40 are the 16th notes?

thanks - I guess you learn what numbers equate to what eventually!

Hi... I'm just starting to experiment with LGPT really.
I'd like to play around with chopping up drum breaks for some jungle/breakcore style tunes and I am just wondering if there's a trick to this on LGPT?

I guess use the RETRIG and maybe PLOF commands to get started?


hey - you might want to try contacting these guys too:


i'd volunteer myself, but not really pure chiptune!


(8 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

ha, wait it doesn't even play DVDs?


(8 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

Ha ha, fair enough. I guess I can use it as a dvd player. They still have dvds right?


(8 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

I just got one for free... Beyond getting a gameboy player and using it is as a big midi controlled gameboy advance, is there anything good to do with it? Mods? Music games? Googling suggests maybe not...


(114 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Bandcamp Daily is pretty good at taking a slice of niche music and treating it with the respect the mainstream would get.

Music journalism as a whole has become quite difficult - blogging is kinda dead, forums are mostly slower... someone with time and devotion probably needs to do a podcast! wink


https://daily.bandcamp.com/2018/12/05/l … une-guide/

Orgia Mode wrote:

I would like to have my paper biverted please.

colour it in with a sharpie?


GenSek wrote:
bitwise wrote:

i think there are many who are hyped actually (including myself lol)
imo there's just not really much to talk about until Olivier reveals something more.
He said that this is not a Zero project though.

i think he might make a thread there as well, someday

Uhm, what is a Zero project?


I assume?