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Topics by gizmo
Posts found: 81-96 of 186
Hey there chipocrits. I was just about to finally order a c64tpc, and when I got to the page it says that he's not selling. I'm mailing him about it. If it turns out that he's out of the game, what other choices are there? Mostly just want it for Mssiah, but games and shit would be cool too. Don't really want to bother with a floppy disk drive.
EDIT: just found this thread: … e-options/. Seems thorough. So does anyone have a method that they recommend? Or funny disk drive anecdotes?
couldn't you just solder to the back of the din plug? or buy a din cable, which is what i suggest.
So maybe it would be nice to revamp the music section here. There would be more views if it was more 'interactive', and more connected. But then that's all dependant on mr. 80.
It would be cool to have a listing of singles for people of more discriminating taste.
And also go to the music section right now.
calmdownkidder wrote:tldr:
1. Lots of the musicians here save their work for EPs/Albums
2. Lots of musicians upload the same track to both sites, meaning it makes more sense to go to 8bc, as
3. There's more people (and therefore more musicians) at 8bc
4. herp
5. derp
right. that's basically it.
Subway Sonicbeat wrote:Jellica wrote:I guess that most people who post here are too busy with real life crap (the average age here is probably a lot higher that 8bc!) and the music that they write is more likely to be saved for an EP.
I think this is the "problem" haahahaha
People here work.
People here save music for EPs/albums. Also, I'm one of those, If I would release something like a single, I wouldn't post in forums. I use it to release music I would not release in an actual album, which don't mean it's a bad song.
Seems reasonable, but there's plenty of crossover. People often post songs here and there...anyway I guess the way it is now works out okay. I go to 8bc to find new things (singles from a newish artist), and come here to see album releases.
I download single tracks all the time. There are lots of good artists on 8bc or here. If there were just more ways to view and participate with peoples mp3 uploads here, this site would come to life a little more. In short, I think there is a middle ground between the garishness of 8bc, and the solemn feel of CM.
Dot.AY wrote:As a long time ??? fan this is well deserved of attention includes some of my favourite tracks that are no longer on 8bc or here so good to see them get an official release!!!
It is so great to hear such originality whilst maintaining a unified style..
My favourite track for ages has been Peanut Butter Brain (I have a version called Poisonous Gases seems to be the same.. slightly different mix maybe)
Also there has been discussion on how this artist name is pronounced suggestions so far
QuidQuidQuid (Latin)
WasWasWas (German)
I save his songs as "%3F%3F%3F" or "QQQ" or "3f3f3f"
I think I'll give it a shot...when does it start?
I remember trying to use this thing....It was really hard!! But I guess lsdj was hard at first too.
Shit happens..I'm sure he'll be back at some point with good news. Or maybe he took the dorito (sp?) money and ran!!
Saskrotch wrote:Dauragon wrote:Yeah this stuff is nothing new. The only difference between this site and the hundreds of others that have existed for years is facebook and twitter exist now so it can ride the internet fear machine straight into hyperboleville.
But yeah, take yourself off this one, you'll still be on all the other ones.
Also it says I am in my mid 40's and I have two moms.
nah man there's shit here i've never put on any website.
It doesn't have to be things that you've posted about yourself. It's all about pattern recognition. Facebook just provides a neat and tidy way to connect all the little nuggets of info out there. Obviously there are bots or something that identify people just by crawling the web, and accessing whatever shady personal background services are out there. Know what I mean? I mean I don't know exactly how it's done...but that would be one way.
yet another reason not to use facebook. keep my name out ya mouff!
weird, its on c64? I love those falling arps.
hey guys, I'm working on an a/v demo for the genny. which is just to say, that I'm testing the water. maybe i'll start working towards a tracker. or something.
animalstyle wrote:my favorite has always been the fucking meter animation in the player - has the interactivity of an animated gif. sooooooo good.
Lol, no shit. Why would they just waste space like that?
I hated most of the custom designs people would make using some third party copy/paste site. Pimp my layout and shit. That's what made it look really awful. Also it was full of xss vulnerabilities and spam and shit. The new layout is alright, but still really crowded, and confused looking.
Famicomi wrote:lynit wrote: i gotta ask what's wrong with the new layout? i don't seems a huge step up above the old one....
Its extremely resource heavy for one. And I am on a not top end laptop like most of the US.
Yeah this. It's not hard to make a good looking layout that's easy on resources, but myspace is run by Newscorp now. I doubt they have a 'less is more' attitude.
minusbaby wrote:Shriker wrote:I've noticed a few people have shut down their myspaces now in favour of custom websites.
This is the most destructive affect and subterfuge of Myspace - convincing musicians and their friends into ditching the integrity of and commitment to having a website in exchange for an irrational pipe dream of industry connectivity and pending wealth.
Make and break art. Fuck a Myspace.
I don't think the idea of it was so bad, for musicians. Having a lot of uniform band profiles, and ways of networking is pretty handy. The site was just badly mismanaged imo.
But yeah, it was always ugly as sin. And badly designed.
Posts found: 81-96 of 186
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