The most obvious LSDJ tip I can give is this: if your wave channel isn't loud enough, turn down your pulse and noise channels. It seems obvious, but that fact didn't occur to me for awhile. Turn down everything else to really pump up the bass. (drawback to this is the panning clicks will be more noticeable. Making them less noticeable takes some artful masking.)
-Work on panning. I hear so many LSDJ tracks that are mono.
-Backup your .sav. Backup your .sav. Backup your .sav.
-Whenever you listen to an LSDJ tune, think critically about it. Try and imagine how it was programmed.
-Check out other people's .sav file for nifty tricks! You can snag some nice files at (I recommend this one, because it's extra tasty: )
My EP includes my .sav:
BeenErased So does Zef's: Danimal Cannon included his .savs, though that release isn't free. (it's worth the $$ though.)