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Topics by Dot.AY
Posts found: 49-64 of 333
yep this is exactly what I do/did
I have a small sound card with enough channels so I can apply effects to a Microphone and Gameboys seperately then I am just using one of the user modes on the launchpad which just sends MIDI note messages to trigger effects presets when you hold down a pad allowing to layer multiple effects at any one time... simple and effective no need for MIDI sync or anything fancy
BOOMA remix on a Chip release... shit is getting real....
boaconstructor wrote:None of you guys know what trap music is hahahaha
actually curious to hear anybodies attempts at #Tarp made in LSDJ... also first person to make a "Damn Son" LSDJ Trap Kit loses the game.
HAHAH I wish I was more in the loop on who all of you people are these days
but here
have a unicorn
I have been playing DJ sets where I go from straight up moombahton or juke and then mix in a quick original gameboy track of same tempo then back out again...
It works really well in getting people hype and they seem to get more into the chip component instead of just being blasted with 100% straight chip for the whole set
(I still do straight chip sets but depending on context mixing it up can be good)
Saskrotch wrote:yo when's the chopped and screwed episode gonna be up?
We didn't get a recording of that one sooo never sorry...
also I like Moombahton in small doses ... kill me if you need to
I don't really vibe on where it has gone in a popular sense with all its wub wub moombahcore etc but you know it seems now every electronic music scene will get overtaken with the wub soon enough..
It goes down a treat at shows
I am getting into faster tempo tropical stuff atm
Every single person complaining about there not being a scene trust me there is no scene because you haven't made one...
When I started I knew of very few active artists in Australia let alone Brisbane so I tried to connect with anyone close the closest was 10kfreemen in Sydney (over 900KM away)... so yeah look harder and become activley involved in the "music" scene and the "chip" aspect of it will come
YAY genre conversations!!!
Regardless of similarities to present or past genres there are people out there labelling their stuff as these things and it does sit within a certain aesthetic... also almost all of them started as a joke that spiralled out of control with internet kids taking it too seriously... the thread below is where witch house started going wrong hahahaha
excited to be joining the local crew!!!
Nice article about Witch House
Balam Acab and oOoOO have both toured Australia in the last year... it may not be "mainstream" but its definitely not underground
also Scuff / Footdrag is the music of 2012
really was hoping to see some Chipped and Screwed Mixtapes...
have fun texas...
get in touch with FAUXHOUND or OLD GREY WOLF (fauxhounds blog they seem to be the most active
also consider changing your name to some kind of canine reference to fit in
Posts found: 49-64 of 333 / Forums / Posts by Dot.AY