(12 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

If you want this site to be useful, post something useful. If you want to just goof around, please go somewhere else.

Sycamore Drive wrote:
trash80 wrote:

What issue? I didn't change anything?

I was asking for an icon to be shown for threads which have been locked, but it already exists, it just doesn't appear automatically.

One more request, it's not really a feature as such, but could mods refrain from posting in a topic once it has been closed? esc closed this thread then three mods still felt the need to post.

http://chipmusic.org/forums/topic/702/w … ns/page/2/

Yeah when I posted I didn't know the thread was locked. Just a slight UI fail I need to fix.

What issue? I didn't change anything?


(32 replies, posted in General Discussion)

You can be a dick all you want, or as nice as you want. As long as you include winks and smiles no one will take what you say to heart.

Saying that, I think you all are a bunch of wining pussies. wink smile

*Edit: Me too... There is no clear notification for mods if a thread is locked at the moment.*


(31 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

orgwell wrote:

For those who'd prefer their battery-use to be less environmentally toxic, I've recently come across these:

AA Size Digital Alkaline Battery

- Dispose of in Most Landfills*

*Please follow your state and local regulations regarding the proper disposal of all batteries.

Fuck those guys. Seems like a load of shit. They are just standard alkaline batteries. Use rechargeable batteries or one of those DMG recharger packs.


(35 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Whoops. I'll look for that email now.
I made a arduino inside a gb as well, though at the time of it's creation I used a expensive arduino nano. if I was to do it now I would use the arduino pro mini from sparkfun.

for the midi jack I used a 1/8th in stereo jack with a custom cable. (1/8" to din)


Nice work! smile

I like it short too, but it's also nice to have some contextual meaning. could also change it to 48 hour. but that's another debate.

Notice if you don't put "48 hour challenge" as a tag I've been editing them. "48h" or "48hr" doesnt really have much meaning. And since we can use spaces in tags, we might as well use them.

akira^8GB wrote:

Hmm I think it must be like 2 years old, not more.
Safari would still be faster, regardless. I'm fine with it, usually the extensions drain a lot of CPU and I like o use them so it;s best if I don't have them big_smile

HOwever I wonder why the music upload fails in her computer and not here. Maybe a cookie issue?

doubtful. It should come back with a error if anything, not just hang indefinitely.  try again later and see if it works, maybe your internet went down or something?


(28 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Jellica wrote:

i quite often just find using someone elses bassline, but basslines dont matter do they?

That should depend on how original the bass line is right?

Also this case if it is a case, will lose.

How old is your GF's mac? Like what cpu is it. I have ff running great on even a ~1.6(ish) old dual core mac mini. Maybe there is some crapy rosetta app running in the background or something silly. Also note I upgraded that machine to 10.6 and it actually runs faster than it did in 10.5 ... food for thought.

akira^8GB wrote:

Leopard 10.5.8
Safari Version 4.0.4 (5531.21.10)

The upload starts but never ends. Goes fine and fast in my PC running Firefox

It was tested and working on that version of Safari. Since the site is developed on mac ff & safari.
However I can not test it now because I upgraded to snow. hmm


(33 replies, posted in General Discussion)

/me starts new facepalm thread dance.


(164 replies, posted in General Discussion)

George wrote:

I never got an answer to my question...


also note the mode:

Led 1: LSDJ Slave Sync mode, have LSDJ listen/sync to a midi clock
Led 2: LSDJ Master sync, have LSDJ send midi clock
Led 3: LSDJ keyboard mode
Led 4: Nanoloop slave sync mode, have nanoloop listen/sync to clock
Led 5: mGB mode

I have a few suggestions. (and I think your wiring is correct)

1. Use a Midi serial program to see what your sending as a midi clock and no other note data is present, mind you this shouldnt be a problem but LSDJ slave mode has features to allow you to start/stop the sequence with MIDI notes on channel 16. Also it would be nice to know that the sync signal is indeed solid and working as it should.

2. Check the battery life of the Gameboy in question. Usually all of my funky weird results had to do with low battery life on the Gameboy.

3. It could also be the Gameboy or the atmel chip. since there is no electronics from the atmel chip to the Gameboy the only thing that could interfere would be a loose cable connection, a ground short, or a internal issue on the GB itself.