This is fucking extraordinary. Can't wait to see the full video!

...It's right there on the right sidebar...

Edit: oh wait you were joking weren't you?

The Bandcamp URL is up there, but he didn't include the www so it wasn't recognized as a link.

And I gotta say, that album art kinda scares me.

Hey, Kotaku has the story now.

Same. If it really is January 19-20, I'm hoping I'll at least be able to catch the 19th.

There's a good amount of people here I believe, but shows don't happen too often. Wizwars seems to be the main guy in the scene, try talking to him.

Big media companies suck.

Yeah, the Synthboy+ is pretty superfluous and expensive. If you need RCA outputs you can just mod them into the Gameboy (or buy a modded one from someone else if you aren't comfortable doing it yourself).

gonna go post this on all the telephone poles in my town, brb

Not sure if you're asking for more really hard Dreamcast games or not, but Ikaruga is an amazing shmup that's also amazingly hard. The Dreamcast version has better sound than the Gamecube version, too (not sure about the XBLA HD version though).


(18 replies, posted in General Discussion)

celsius wrote:
VCMG wrote:

This information would have been incredibly useful to me if it was written a month ago. Would've kept me from making mistakes.

If I've already started work for a client, is it too late to negotiate a contract? Right now I'm just working of off "we'll give you an unspecified amount of money up front when it's finished and an unspecified percentage of profits if it's successful."

Do you know the people personally? Are they friends of yours? If not, you're basically screwed. You can try and pull things back a bit to negotiate a contract but essentially you've already got one. You agreed to a verbal contract of unspecified returns.

Damn. Oh well, I guess I'll just learn from this and keep it in mind next time.


(18 replies, posted in General Discussion)

This information would have been incredibly useful to me if it was written a month ago. Would've kept me from making mistakes.

If I've already started work for a client, is it too late to negotiate a contract? Right now I'm just working of off "we'll give you an unspecified amount of money up front when it's finished and an unspecified percentage of profits if it's successful."

2PLAYER does some pretty "video game-y"-sounding tracks.

Couldn't figure out how to use a DAW. Still can't.

Just use a 1/8" cable going from the headphone jack into the laptop's line-in/microphone jack.


(29 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Does Jesper Kyd count as chip? He used to do module stuff back then. I like his stuff a lot, too.