Vex wrote:There's a good place on the back of gameboy pockets next to the batteries on the back but it makes it hard to place flat in a table.
That's why I didn't do it, I wanted it to lay flat on a table. I might just keep it internally prosounded though.
A tiny DIP switch glued in behind where the battery door clips in should work fine, but you'd need a screwdriver or something to toggle it. Or maybe even one cut into the slope along the bottom.
Here's my stuff. Nothing special. From the right:
three broken GameBoys (fixing up or using as parts),
a GBA, a DMG with a new screen and buttons, a GBC, a backlight MGB,
a PSP-3000 running LGPT, a Caanoo running Milkytracker.
I nearly forgot this abomination... I'll have to LED-mod that Nuby at some point, but that's been put on hold since my ~100 bright white LEDs were stolen.
I also have an LSDJ PS/2 keyboard, but I don't know where it is, and I have a half-finished LSDJ MIDI sync adapter made out of bent opaque plastic.
I've mostly focused on practicality (one or two GameBoys with lighting) and only replacing parts that really needed replacement; my DMG desperately needed new buttons and a new screen. Maybe I'll make some money and do more mods.