(15 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I remember reading a big article about the Shark MX when I was a kid. It is cool that they found a way to do that, but I'm not sure if the service itself is still functional.

Regardless, if you could reverse engineer the game boy modem and find a way to do network play, that could be cool…

danimal cannon wrote:

Don't really give shit.

I have some old "DON'T PANIC" crash screens in picture form that I should e-mail to Johan.

I'll post them up if I find them.

eme7h wrote:


Jay Tholen wrote:


AndrewKilpatrick wrote:



(5 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

oh shit big_smile


(17 replies, posted in Releases)

oh fuck

e.s.c. wrote:

what? isnt that how most of the people on this site masturbate?

Man, I thought we already had this thread this week…

So I don't feel like a dick for making a contentless post, let me sum up my understanding/opinion very quickly:

  • A lot of people prefer the DMG / "Classic" / "Dot Matrix" Game Boy because it sounds "classic" and has a different tonality since it's running on 6V of batteries natively. Also, I'm not an electrical engineer, so don't expect me to pinpoint why a lot of people think it sounds "better" to a point of high technical accuracy.

  • LSDj is a program that is written for Game Boy Color, at the end of the day. It has features that are only supported on the Game Boy Color. You can write songs and patterns on a Game Boy Color that will crash a DMG or MGB.

  • In my personal opinion, the Game Boy Color completely obsoletes the Game Boy Pocket for use with LSDj. Any shortcoming that the MGB and CGB have compared to the DMG with regards to sound are offset by the better processing capabilities of the Color. The Game Boy Pocket is the "worst of both worlds," so to speak—it doesn't have the tonal qualities that people favor the DMG for, and it doesn't have the processing power of the CGB, which is virtually the same size.

There you are. Welcome aboard! Read up, ask question, write some music, and melt some faces!


(76 replies, posted in General Discussion)

lol this thread


(33 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Payday's comin' up… wink

As a person who primarily modifies hardware for fun (and profit), I find I use my unmodified equipment just as much, sometimes more.

A Game Boy Color is probably your best starting point; you can get one with LSDj and a flash cart for under $100 USD.

This, of course, doesn't preclude the wonderful option that is an LSDj license and a copy of BGB. You can get that set up going for the price of your generosity and gratitude to Johan, expressed in donation form. wink


(33 replies, posted in Trading Post)

I don't have much in the way of free funds at the moment; if Krubbz is quicker on the draw for Pocket Music, I defer to him. smile


(33 replies, posted in Trading Post)

I'm interested in that copy of Pocket Music... let me get in touch about it.

Logistically it makes a lot of sense for Oliver to do it the way he does it, since it takes an entire step out of his production.

That said, I sympathize with people who don't like the design, since it is very different, and it makes it harder to use with something like a Game Boy Advance. I personally really like it, though.


(3 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

If you have a Game Boy Advance, there are some Game Boy Advance homebrew software and music trackers available. It might be fun to play with those, but you don't want to use it for LSDj.


(23 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Oh shit, I didn't realize that was Lemon Demon himself.

Shit, a couple of his albums were/are really good. I miss SA from back in the day. sad