
(44 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

BitPop wrote:

Wait....I get it.   The ProFX has one send, and a monitor out.  They're counting the monitor out as a send.   conversely, it seems on other models they don't have a monitor out, then have an AUX2.

I will probably be using floor monitors or IEM in the future, so I actually need 3 sends, or 2 sends + monitor.

This is getting more expensive by the minute.  I think I might just stick with my 4 channel Soundlab POS big_smile

well, the mackie has the control room out which works well for monitors (either whole mix, or set it to only have your alt 3-4 outputs got to control room but also the main mix, should you only want some pieces of your gear in the monitor) if you do this though, you may wish to set the aux1 out to prefader rather than post fader, since i dont think you can send a channel to the alt 3-4 and the effects out simultaneously otherwise (i know this was the case on some behringers, havent bothered to check since i got the mackie, since i havent been using the alt outs)

edit: got caught up in that enough to forget to mention this: unless youre buying your own monitors, likely youll be getting them run by the sound guy at the venue as just a full mix, which works fine for most situations aynway..but in that case you wont need another send


(44 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

i have and love the 1202 vlz3..you can get used to knobs instead of faders pretty easily in most cases

tehforsterer wrote:

There are adapters out there with two ports on, a splitter essentially, allowing headphone output and syncing/charging. I've never seen one in person but I remember Bubblyfish using one.

yeah, but like logan said, the link port is a seperate port...would like to point out a fun fact: these splitter type headphone adapters can be daisy chained smile


(50 replies, posted in General Discussion)

by the way, dream machine #1 works best in an other wise dark room, playing on loop for 20-45 minutes..feel free to do other things (like work on music or talk to people) while it's running...at some point, your brain syncs properly to the flashing and most people can tell the difference...i didnt put this info in the description when i showed it at a student run gallery during college, gave me a nice test run since people didnt know what they video was supposed to do and came out feeling the effects anyway, at which point i explained to them that it was syncing their brain waves to the different stages of sleep (#1 triggers alpha waves, probably the most interesting to experience fully awake)


(27 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

sound quality of game boys can vary from unit pretty heavily, and also deciding which sounds "better" is awfully subjective
personally, i have nothing against the sound of SPs, just hate those headphone adapters (more the fact that a lot of them suck and it can be tough finding a good one that will stay in place well, so i usually use electrical tape to help hold it when i use one live)


(50 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Kris k wrote:
animalstyle wrote:

mp3s are stupid > get the real thing.


got it, love it. i think it's way more of an experience when you couple it with the visual aspect. (chip visualists, anyone want to try and recreate this in a live setting? please? )  smile

ive already made video pieces that do this, 10 years ago..they arent chip, but ive been known to use them in visuals
they are the dream machine pieces, one of which is here: http://www.soundcollapse.org/video/drea … ne%201.wmv
apologies for it being wmv, hope to get to a full overhaul of my website in the next few months at which point, ill have the video stuff on vimeo as well as downloadable versions of some pieces


(20 replies, posted in General Discussion)

midwest represent


(25 replies, posted in Collaborations)

arottenbit wrote:

During the mastering I'll add a shitload of distortion and bad EQing to make this release the most "grim and frostbitten" chip release ever. Deal with it.

i mean, i love distortion, you know i do...but how is this not a deal breaker for everyone? distortion used wrong/excessivley can ruin any track


(23 replies, posted in Trading Post)

thats a UK version, i think..pretty funny shit


(19 replies, posted in General Discussion)

i always find the "what should i download" threads a little silly as they never take into account the poster's personal tastes...so what kind of stuff do you already like? we can maybe see how it goes if people then suggest things based on your other musical tastes, since id say totally different things to people who listen to black flag vs people who listen to radiohead

both would have to use the USB, from what i understand

low-gain wrote:

Well then... Lets get the ball rolling.
i need a psp 2000. lol

why specifically a 2001? phat's are pretty solid as well, just a bit heavier and no video out smile

i like this idea..maybe ill make a kitsch bent exclusive 3" ep for you to mail people smile
edit: probably with some special condition, like send it only to people getting piggy->midi, since i heart it so very much

i wish so badly i could go, this looks great

matt.nida wrote:
herr_prof wrote:

Matt Nida doesn't make trash He BURNS IT.

This is SO going at the top of my CV.

Low-gain, were you involved in the discussion on the LGPT mailing list around Christmas about PSP MIDI? I seem to remember M-.-n was happy to do a build for PSP with serial output enabled for anyone making an interface...? Would be happy to stump up some pre-order cash once development of an interface got underway!

and if youd need use of a psp for dev, i could lend you one of mine


(7 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Saskrotch wrote:

low-gain is often found waking up in a cold sweat, screaming MOAR GEAR

me too..im seriously saying if i sell my ms2000b, sima sfx9 & boss sp-505 that ill let myself get a tetra and another cheap unbent 80s drum machine big_smile