I used to have a couple NR-2s. They're solid pieces of gear, but it was never really anything I needed. Never tried it with synths or chipstuff. What are you trying to do with it?
1,538 Oct 17, 2010 8:39 pm
Re: any advice for my first solo gameboy show? (69 replies, posted in General Discussion)
The performance situation is about the same as above - try to be animated and engage the audience.
The technical situation is quite a bit different. You'll be dealing with an engineer and a stage setup prepared for the specific purpose of full guitar/guitar/bass/drums bands.
Try to make sure the show or at least the sound engineer knows what you'll be doing ahead of time and that there will be enough direct boxes for your gear to plug into the PA system. Probably nobody there will know what chiptunes are, so just say you need a "stereo direct in to the board" or however many channels you need - I'm assuming you're using a mixer?) Make sure your gear is reliable and act like you know what you're doing so the sound guy doesn't get nervous about the "weird shit you're trying to do".
Also, if you don't want to give away any surprises from your set, prepare an extra piece of "test music" that you can use as a line check/sound check. Whatever you do, don't sound/line check with the first tune you're going to play - at most "battle of the bands" type shows, the audience is hanging around in front of the stage while each band rushes onstage, does a very quick line check, and starts, so hearing something twice like that is a great way to bore people and make them step out for a smoke. The line check is a great chance to pique people's interest.
1,539 Oct 16, 2010 5:21 pm
Re: SHOW ME THE BIKES YOU RIDE!!!!!!! (91 replies, posted in General Discussion)
1,540 Oct 16, 2010 3:59 pm
Re: FS: Magenta Boy, GB Cameras, GB Light, GBA, GBC, 4-Way, Koassilator... (22 replies, posted in Trading Post)
Yeah nick, you pretty much have to do the DMG-007 mod to get 4-way DMG sync. It's an easy mod. If you're not comfortable with an iron, I'd be down to prep one for you.
1,541 Oct 11, 2010 3:59 am
Re: Writer's Block and Creative Burnout (49 replies, posted in General Discussion)
I've been writing something, ANYTHING every day as a practice regimen. Most of it will never see the light of day. As time goes on, I'm finding myself more able to write reliably and to make the ideas that float through my head stick.
1,542 Oct 10, 2010 11:20 pm
Re: DMG Power Supply? (22 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
I'm a professional pro audio guy too - we use rechargeables for wireless theater mics. Never had a problem as long as we use a decent charging pattern (which is hard for theater). I've had even better luck at home with eneloop type batteries than with the more normal Energizer ones we have at work.
Besides, I'm just really not willing to use normal batteries in my GBs as I don't really consider it an option to generate that much garbage as a result of my art.
1,543 Oct 7, 2010 5:02 pm
Re: ....Why? (18 replies, posted in General Discussion)
I didn't meet my dad until I turned 18.
Turns out he's the only other musician in my family.
1,544 Oct 7, 2010 2:45 am
Re: DMG Paint (7 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)
Has more to do with the type of paint than the color of the paint. The issue is how the chemicals in the paint bond with the plastic.
1,545 Oct 7, 2010 2:43 am
Re: Prosound GBC Mod question (6 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
1,546 Oct 6, 2010 9:32 pm
Re: Prosound GBC Mod question (6 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
Yeah, there's a lot of variations to this mod out there. The one you linked to is a pretty primitive early version, but it would result in two 1/8" jacks as you described, but one is wholly external and only the headphone jack turns off the speaker when you plug in a cable.
Tons of people (including me) have installed surface mounted 1/4" and 1/8" jacks (even RCA). You could use a switched jack to turn the speaker off when you plug into the line in.
1,547 Oct 6, 2010 3:51 pm
Re: Blargg Bootstrap USB Cartridge: Famicom prototype & beta 1 built! (374 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)
Oh man, awesome. Put me in the "get a flashed chip and build one" camp too. This is really so great, arfink, thank you!
1,548 Oct 6, 2010 3:24 am
Re: FS: Last Call for ArduinoBoys (40 replies, posted in Trading Post)
Having the opportunity to play with toys like this without having to build them first is such a wild privilege of the 21st century - I've been helping my wife with a bunch of fiber stuff she's doing, building her drop spindles, fiber cleaning racks; I nearly built her a spinning wheel, but wound up buying one for her birthday instead.
I mod my own Nintendo gear and I build other instruments as well, and the feeling of accomplishment when you've made music on such a device far outstrips any other.
1,550 Oct 5, 2010 4:08 pm
Re: (Tiny bits of data) soundcloud (73 replies, posted in Releases)
PlainFlavored wrote:This is what most of your music should do. Even when you're the best.
Thats gotta be false
my hip hop been doing that for 3 years and im pretty sure noone knows my name
It is definitely true. If you're going to be a maker of anything, you should be practicing every day, and most of what you make will be just practice.
1,551 Oct 2, 2010 3:22 pm
Re: Paper Stop Motion Mario (8 replies, posted in Motion Graphics)
A love how they obviously never made a big mario, so they couldn't let him get the mushroom.
1,552 Oct 1, 2010 10:32 pm
Re: Hardware vs Software vs Hybrid (39 replies, posted in General Discussion)
I prefer software, mostly because I'm lazy and don't want to bother with hardware.
I prefer hardware, for the exact same reason - if you switch the words "hardware" and "software".