DaPantz wrote:Right here, you're essentially lumping together years of UNSUCCESSFUL attempts to promote an overt political/racist agenda via MySpace to years of SUCCESS in promoting an overt political/racist agenda via FOX News. It's extremely different, and like Nullsleep, I'm finding myself confused as to how this bears further explanation...
Whether it's successful or not, does not change anything. What difference does it make? The intentions are clearly there. hurp?
example: Simply because ruthless murderer failed to kill someone, doesn't change anything in regards to intentions and goals. It just simply means the victim/target got away (for the time being). He'd still get convicted if tried. His intentions were to bring harm.
That's not very nice and friendly now, is it? You wouldn't be quite pleased with that. Since you could have been killed etc
herr_prof wrote:Nullsleep wrote:[Now, back to tracking until sunrise.
Not quite, sorry! >.< I got in about... what 3 to 4 hours of sleep? Fuck. I blame the fucking sudden dramatic change of times zones. Really fucks with your sleeping patterns... that and my secret love for Nullsleep... I... I just want him to notice me and reply back to me... via MySpace.
Is that so much to ask for? xD
Lets face it: I'm all of Nullsleeps fans on there. All my accounts. Right, Peter? Ask Peter, he'd know :]
Nah, actually, contrary to what I heard around Blipfestival a bit back e.g. not many liking his set (for various reasons, obviously), I actually thought it was quite an improvement to what I heard of him do ages ago and actually approved of it (not that it matters anyway). I probably enjoyed it a lot more than most people, judging by what I was hearing from people on various IRC channels, to say the least.
Nullsleep wrote:For someone that so vocally disapproves of other people making assumptions, you certainly don't seem to have any problem with making some of your own.
Read this:
Nullsleep wrote:When ureport automatically puts itself in my Top 10 friends and starts sending me rightwing propaganda then I'll reevaluate my level of concern
"then I'll reevaluate my level of concern"
There's my point in regards to all that. It's more a logical way of thinking, than assumption on my part. There is logical reasoning and then there's pure assumption based on little to nothing, for simple kicks.
If you're gonna place your hand on that hot oven, you're obviously gonna get burned. But heck, be my guest and try it out: completely disregarding any logic behind it all.
I mean, you're proving my point.
If they were to completely go all out, they would alienate an audience, such as you and in turn you would "revaluate" being on myspace, as you put it.
You just proved it. You proved my point. My "supposed" assumptions. Passively agreeing, without even realizing it. What else is there to explain? Srsly?
I don't believe they'd ever go all out and INFECT US ALL! OMGZ. WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO!?! GAIZ. That's just silly. That's just again: bad business practice. I'm also partly basing all this on business/political analyzations from various sources I've read in the past, btw. Not just my own. Would it hurt to read up on it, eh?
.....Naaaah, lets just assume I'm making it all up with my fake accounts, right?
As much as I don't agree with a lot of what FOX does, I've watched FOX news myself in the past briefly, and it's not a constant endless stream of conservative opinion. The fact that they had Br1ght Pr1mate perform, and covered "chip music", saids otherwise. Hurp durp.
Again, you're getting into black and white territory.
There's good and bad in everything, believe it or not. ;p
Ultra liberals can be just as bad as ultra conservatives and vice versa.
While you yourself say you never encountered anything political from myspace, I have. I've seen announcements in regards to various politics there before. Even when I wasn't looking for it. In fact, that's how Ureport came to my attention. I'm not sure how politically you are involved in politics in general, apart from the general omgz fauxnews evil, but I surely am. Thus I'm aware of what's going on to various extents, of course. I can't know everything, obviously. I'm only a general human, with my own general flaws. hurp.
Nullsleep wrote:at no point did I condemn or judge Br1ght Pr1mate's decision.
Bullshit, dude. B U L L S H I T. You jumped right away at it:
Nullsleep wrote:Yet the community apparently has no problem with making an appearance on one of the most despicable television channels around. We certainly do seem to have a fucked up set of priorities.
... are you srs, man?... are you sure you're not running FauxNews yourself? ;p
wait.... Rupert? AHHHH I KNEW IT! AHA! Playing that joke on me again, eh? How did you pull that one over me again, Rupert? 
And yes I'm completely aware it's your personal opinion, but the way it was worded/stated, it is done from a "community perspective:
It doesn't say/state "I" or "me", does it?
You practically and clearly told Bright Primate that his priorities were "fucked up" in an indirect way, beating around the bush, from a COMMUNITY perspective, rather than a personal perspective. You didn't even have the nerve to directly address them at first. Even though we all knew it was clearly directed towards him. Pretty fucking obvious.
... and only AFTER they explained their reasoning to YOU, specifically (even though there really was no need for it to begin with at all), you eventually did wish them luck and that it was good to hear their reasons on a PERSONAL level, but you forget you had attacked on a COMMUNITY level. Never hinting/suggesting at detracting your previous ORIGINAL statement directed towards them specifically. Because: oh no, you'll look bad if you detract your edgy political comment. So the damage was still done. The portrait of being fucked up in regards to their priorities had already been attached. Well done, you.
Why didn't you ask their reasoning at first, rather than jump to attacks and conclusions with negativity? Why attack them head on without getting the full story? Shoot first, ask questions later? eh?
Heck due to you bringing it all up, Anders even featured it at Chipflip. Somehow I think it would have been ignored otherwise, for whatever reason. Hmm, since the article basically addressed all this, needless/pointless bulldada.
Even 8bw pointed this out:
8bw wrote:Bg1ht Pr1mate is now the community? Lets not derail, this is a great opportunity for them, cheers guys!
I'm not seeing things, am I? ;p
Nullsleep wrote:Anyway, you then go on to talk about ways in which this could be used to push FOX's political agenda. But then go back and say that they can't do this because it would alienate their audience and they can't afford to do that.
I never said it "can't" be used at all, I said it can't be used to such extreme manners. Completely different to what you're trying to make it out to be. As it's an international site with a much more broader audience than a national show. You have to be more careful. You have to be more focused. More precise.
Lastly, to add more:
I don't see how someone can dare speak at community level (especially based on their personal views) when they are simply ONE person, that makes up a part of that community.
Getting close to jumping the high horse territory, if you ask me, personally.... but whatever, right?
edit: Dude, you guys are too fucking easy at arguments/heated discussion. I had more of a fight from CC's management than you guys.
I think the majory flaw here is that everyone is nicey-nicey and buddies. I think DaPants works for 8bitpeoples, right? last I recall... .and Peter does TCTD. which happens to be a huge 8bitpeoples fan boi, nuff said... Null just happens to mange 8bitpeoples... it's all connected. I love the unity and sticking out for one another though... but there comes a point where it all just looks silly. I mean srsly.