(13 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

Excellent, thanks.  I used this to determine that my emulator wasn't running NTRQ properly, so it also serves as sort of a test program.  You're the best, Neil!

Emar wrote:

Ive been to plenty of shows that just have a gigantic sheet bungee'd across the wall and that works wonders smile

I second this, just keep the sheet flat and it works like a charm!  As an added "bonus", depending on the sheet you can also see stuff on the other side if you use a poor enough quality sheet.  You know, engineering at its finest, right?

Awesome, I found my exact bike by typing "Old Gary Fisher bike" into google, hahaha!  Seriously though, I love this thing.


(41 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

You've transcended the "legend" status I already held you at.

I didn't even think that was possible!

Thanks for bumping this Ro-Bear, I'd have hated to miss it, this interview is simply excellent.  Sulumi at the very end there said something that I feel is so (almost chillingly) wise that it really ought to be repeated throughout the chipmusic scene.

"Before starting, think about what you enjoy the most.  Why do you want to make music?  What kind of music do you want to make?  After making music for four or five years, then we'll talk."

Whoa, I saw this on Reddit earlier today, word spreads fast!


(25 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Congrats man, what was your course of study?

I'm graduating high school in a month or so, gotta fight for the less important cap n' tassles, don'cha'know?

The best parts are the falling sounds when folks get shot.  Very well done!


(30 replies, posted in Releases)

This is seriously excellent, Noisewaves.  Job well done!

calmdownkidder wrote:

In this news story: Someone overhears Adam Sandler saying "this is a cool video, should totally be a full length movie!"

What's sad is how true this is.  How did that get an entire story?


(18 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

nordloef wrote:

Now I feel pretty stupid using my stock game boys. Very unprofessional of me. I'm sorry.

And to think all of that music you composed was for nothing, eh?


(25 replies, posted in General Discussion)

So beautiful.

I love you.

Russolo wrote:

Alright here is my challenge for Ui and Enso to do a collab pixel art effort.  They both will create one part of a room two brother's share.  The brohters hate eachother and are polar opposites.  Ui will create the goth brother's side of the room.  Everything must be dark and depressing.  Enso will create the popcore brother's side of the room.  Everything must be bright and happy.  Each side of the room must 400 x 400 pixels and only 8 colors can be used.  The catch is Ui will choose the pallete for Enso and Enso will choose the pallete for Ui.  Pick wisely smile

I just want to say that this prompt is brilliant.  I cannot wait to see this.


(24 replies, posted in Releases)

CJ Noks1, well done, he's been caught before - does anyone remember on 8bc the whole chip + guitar track he ripped off of youtube?

Saskrotch wrote:

i'm sorry i just have to say it:

this is what you get for posting a video of yourself

As much as it sucks to say, I'll insert the following:  never post your opinion on what makes up "chipmusic" / "chiptune" / "demoscene" / "VGM" / whatever   -    eventually, someone gets pissed off and we turn into this.  We will never agree on this, ever, educating each other doesn't work.

We should all be frens, frens, frens.

Neat video by the way.