
(16 replies, posted in Constructive Criticism)

I like that nasty junk at the end.

The main beat after the intro could use a bit of lead to go with that bass. Maybe some of that intro stuff. Or maybe some P-command L-command siren noises.

Are you using your wave channel at all? Why not use that for your hi-hats? Or even for your snare Edit: or Kick, or both, to free up your pulse channel to take over the bass, and allow your wave to do more stuff.

The second snare is 1 beat 'late' and there's some extra snares, but always on a beat (1/4) or half-beat (1/8)

I think that's probably the problem. It does sound a bit like a noob kid on a drumkit who can't figure out where the beat is.

I could get stoned for saying this, but try listening to Linkin Park's "Session" to get an idea of what everybody is probably thinking your broken beats should sound like.


(11 replies, posted in Constructive Criticism)

Sounds like something that'd be in a 90's-early-00's skateboarding game.

Wait, wait. PBS made this?? *smh* my respect level for them was already high, but now it's over 9000aaand.

PBS, you are bi-winning.. I wasn't even going to look at this thread until I saw PBS in the title (cuz I browse zoomed in, but I happened to zoom out this time).

Definitely going to check it out after the weekend is over.

Was this done with LSDJ? It sounds like you're only using the two pulse channels. If you don't want to use the wave channel for melodic content, try throwing in a kit. Or, you could even use the wave channel for your Kick drum by setting your synth to sawtooth, Play to Manual, and put a P-F1 next to it, and a K after that so it doesn't drone forever.

It's a bit crispier than the pulse kick, and you can keep your pulses for volume enveloped stuff.

I wish I could understand what you were saying. This sounds interesting, though. I don't think this is what everyone meant when they said "work on your screams". Though... it has an appeal... but I hesitate to say that, in the fear that I may steer you down the path to unpopularity, so I'll just shush now.


(10 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Not a fan of singlepageapss

Repeat: It's not all about me. It's not all about me.

People have just been using this thread to rant about newbies in general. Everything is not necessarily about you. If a negative attribute doesn't apply to you, then show it by posting in other threads and proving how great of a guy you are. That's just a universal rule of the internetz.

Anybody who analyzes every single sentence to point out the flaws in each word will not last long. I know, because I do it irl. And people who incessantly defend themselves just end up escalating whatever issue it is into fire and brimstone. I know this because I have relatives who do such. It's better to just let it be, pretend they didn't say it to you ("I know she di'int say that to me!" *z-snap*), and move on. The main people who get picked apart, chewed up and spit out are the ones who are their own white knights.

I hope you take whatever you've learned from this thread and use it wisely.

it came from the internet. Ull get used to it.

Auxcide wrote:

You don't need more stuff to make one gameboy not sound empty. Listen to Zef. Mind blowing. Actually, go get his album and .sav files for some tips.

also, they may sound mean and unnecessarily rude to you, but these guys know their stuff. To the point where I won't even listen to this because I trust their judgment. They've probably covered everything I'd say. But that wouldn't be fair so I'll listen to this soon and give you some more detailed advice. wink

*looks up* *sees CCB and myself* *feels honored*

this inspires me to post my chipstuff for CC now. ihavent been here very long, but I've run my mouth off enuff where I should prolly prove myself worthy.

but, really, I'd take anything chipschallenge says as gold. I mean...its chipschalenge for sakes sakes. I love the chipscene. All the heroes are regular people juslikeme.

ChipsChallengeBand wrote:

Nope, and you just tricked me into downloading it.

EDIT: Least you could've done is boosted the volume in audacity or something

EDIT: I didn't like it

EDIT: but seriously this was all filler no killer; your beats need work and you need to go above the C4 because everything sounded the same

Oops. Well, you live and you learn, eh? I suppose it depends on your browser's download settings too.

Anyway, I agree with the above. It might be good in a live setting with maybe a band playing over it, or something else complimenting it, but as it is, there's not enough pay-off. It feels empty. Too much build up, but it never delivers.

But... on the bright side, at least it IS good filler-fodder.


(29 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I think this'd be awesome. I've been looking for a trumpet patch, but no luck so far. Had to resort to reading  an ebook about synthesizers.

Can't you just choose to "Open..." instead of "Save..." The link? Then it'll just play either in your browser, or your media player, and then when close it, it's deleted. Pretty much how streaming works anyway.b Kind of.

Download is in mp3 format, not zip format.


(8 replies, posted in Releases)

I'm so glad I joined this community. I feel like I'm eating pizza and french-toast for breakfast lunch and dinner.



(13 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

kitsch wrote:

and, your question about putting LSDJ on the cart twice: put one LSDJ ROM in each menu.  two ROMs on the whole cart.  LSDJ is funny and won't share menu space on the cartridge with other ROMs, it causes either the other ROM to not appear in the list, or LSDJ itself.

When you put LSDJ on both menus, they share the sram, right? Does that mean that booting from either bank 1 or bank 2 results in the same sav data being loaded? No data loss whether I boot from bank 1 or bank 2, right?

I had finally committed to buying an EMS 64m carts, but in my post-commitment research I've come across all these horror stories... it's so scary.

Hey everybody, let's go lava surfing!

I also get inspired when my brother says "did you make that?" when I'm listening to the "Handheld Heroes" compilation. It's also a bit discouraging when he says "Oh..." disappointedly when I say "No", because I feel like I could never make anything as cool as those guys... and he never aks "did you make that?" about any of my ACTUAL original songs.

Edit: So it inspires me to improve. But I feel it may be a lost cause. But I SHAN'T GIVE UP!

danimal cannon wrote:

So what game are you playing up there?

This is a bit off-topic, but, you know how navigating a video game menu produces different noises depending on whether you're going up/down, left/right, confirming/canceling, etc? I used to make "music" with those. I wonder if I could get away with that for one selection at a show... Maybe with a looper pedal?

I haven't gotten to really interact with many people outside of my family in regards to chiptune music. I've mostly gotten *silence* *moves on to talk about something else*

Worst comment: "I don't listen to those songs outside of the video games they're in". This was in regards to my posting a link to the soundtrack of "Hero Core", so it's not like he was talking about all chipmusic.

Best comments (paraphrase): "Most 8-bit music is ear bleeding, but this doesn't" in regards to my "fake-bit" remix of the "Main Gate" theme from Megaman Legends.


Me: Sorry you have to keep hearing this over and over. It must be annoying.
Little Sister:  It doesn't bother me. I like this song.

Is it wrong that I like/make/listen to chipmusic because it reminds me of video games/ringtones/nostalgia/my favorite Gameboy and NES songs? As someone who listens to video game soundtracks like regular music, I'd consider it a compliment for someone to say my music sounds like it could be in a video game.

Is it wrong that I bumped this topic to ask that question?