181 Any idea who this musician is?
by Pixel.danny
182 Phoenix Speedmusic Sessions- (hopefully) periodic 2 hour music jam
by TheRektafire
184 Hey is ui, i have something to share...
by ui
185 When you're really good at squeezing everything out of the WAV channel
by ForaBrokenEarth
187 Any tutorials on composition?
by DSnB
188 need help with buying pc
by dark_h0le
189 a very important question?
by NullSlept
190 Anyone else regret throwing away their old gear?
by DSnB
by frank angotti is dead
193 Chiptune in Portugal?
by nordloef
194 recommend me a capella SMW music / artists
by alex
196 How Can I Promote Music on iTunes?
by Naijasturf
197 What's your SETUP? What do you pair with your Gameboys?
by dojocasino
198 Hello from Shenzhen China!
by LovelyA72
199 Improving song structure beyond ABAB?
by HoneyWizard
200 First chiptune music
by Esot-Guild
201 Identify the music in this video
by TechnoMulen
202 What Is This? on WRRG
by Saskrotch
203 Chiptunes on physical media - poll
by datamnesia
204 Old interviews with five chiptune artists
by Starfighter
205 NES & Rock Similarities
by Arc-Demon
206 Programs to start off/tips
by dashingz
207 Best soft music for relaxing
by dragonheart26
208 Any chiptuners in LA?
by BitCruncher
209 Anywhere in South America with an active chip scene?
by token